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Forsaken Elder
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About zac

  • Birthday 07/03/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Trinidad and Tobago
  • Interests
    Music. Technology. Programming. Exploiting. Gaming. Martial Arts. Sex. Shooting Pool. Playing Cards. Playing RO. Solving Rubiks Cubes. Being an FPS pro.

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  • Real Name
  • Ingame Character Names
    Soaring Cobeaux
  • Guild

zac's Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. Happy Birthday, Zac! :D

  2. zac

    Pk-No Pk

    its a pvp/pk server get used to it
  3. Im sure vs a good prof you wont think so. And im not talking about profs who just spam.
  4. Yeah drivers wont do crap. Anyway. What Ryuk said.
  5. O.o what ? lol. By default on windows 7, an external program trying to alter files in Program Files is blocked. This is a big problem especially for RO patchers. Probably bypassed by running that program as administrator. None the less, i hear you out ryuk, however ive had this similar problem, and i solved it by moving the path for RO. Anyway if what ryuk says to do fails, try my solution.
  6. I would like to hear this aswell. Seems kinda strange this has been the approach.
  7. "other option would be to make the max resistance to status effects: 99%" i like that
  8. I dunno about that my LK gets 500k easily. but anyway. Besides that point. 1- Lower the HP bonus of tao-gunka card back to the original ( i can agree partially) 2- Make the golden thief bug card only partially reduce magic damage on snipers (Disagree) 3- Make the Thara frog card and usakoring card only do - 15~20% damage on Bow user classes. (totally disagree, cause when time comes to tank asura etc they cant. at least b4 they could switch to shield and tank) 4- Reduce damage inflicted when a shield is equipped. (hmm skeptical about this one. i dont think the dmg out isnt that much different from other classes, liek crit dagger sinx, etc.) 5- Remove the Increase weight ability from all weapons. (I would agree to reducing the level to 5 instead of 10)
  9. zac

    Return Of Armani?

    yeahhhh i dunno u
  10. 2+2 = twen t two
  11. You have to install forsaken-ro to your C drive, IE : "C:/Forsaken-RO" in order for your RO to patch or even launch on Windows 7 / Vista. This is due to the folder security that is enabled by default. So if you havent installed your ro to the C:/ drive and instead installed it to "C:/Program Files/Forsaken-Ro" That may be yoru problem.
  12. zac

    Black Ops!

    QuickScope on BO = Kinda fail sometimes. lol
  13. Not even if you just increase the required vit a little, to just force users to compromise their other stats >? lol Just askin
  14. its 215.
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