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Forsaken Council
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sessions last won the day on December 15 2011

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About sessions

  • Birthday 07/08/1910

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    soooomewhere... over the rainbow

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  1. Except not really. I quit awhile ago cause my computer blew up or something like that. I'm just now getting around to redownloading fro on my laptop. I probably won't be around for long since I don't have the time to play. But hello to anybody who knows me and hello new people.
  2. Get on MSN sometime!!!

  3. Haters gunna hate. Haters aside, your total lack of contribution and forum drama will be missed.

  4. sessions

    Volupsa Staff.

    Agreed. Voluspa should be for pr0 stave crasher to discourage GTB and Maya.
  5. Self bumping. Final GM decision would be bueno. Since no one seems to disagree...
  6. sessions

    Ifrit Rings

    Agreed. And any other items like these (ie Strong Shield) that are still like Transcendent classes or w/e. No reason not to go ahead and accept this.
  7. Well, this is interesting. To be honest I don't see why you guys are so worked up about this. Anyway. First of all, I don't see the reason for the ad hominem attacks on Char. Okay so she's been gone for awhile but she's been back for a month now. It doesn't take much time to realize what is wrong with Ladder. Completely disregarding someone's opinion because of this is just dumb. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Just because it doesn't agree with yours doesn't mean you have to get so butthurt. Now onto my opinion. Let's take a look at the past 2 ladders as an example. Last week was 1)Java 2) Nila 3) Dadron3. Java (Drew) wins because of his gang. Peter, Mike, and I are on most of the time to help him ladder plus others. Nila (Cole) can do just fine because he's geared out the ass and can wreck the gang above with a few swift FAS not to mention he is on most of the time anyway. Dadron3 got on there because he was in PvP so often and probably tried harder than anyone else to ladder. Maybe he didn't go about it the best way and maybe he did end with like 300:500 ratio but still at least he put the effort in. So with your rule Dadron would be out and so would the next guy. Who does that leave? Oh Fernando, the guy who fed with like 5 ungeared characters for hours once late at night. So technically he would be out too. Finally it comes to Excellent~, the guy who quit laddering after the first week. Now the point of this long explanation of the obvious is how ridiculous it could get from this rule. 3-5 would all be dropped leaving 6th place as the winner. And this is an exception of a week seeing as the top 6 all have over 100 kills. Most times the 6th place person could have as low as 50 kills. The week before this ended up as this: 1) Java 2) Nila 3) Prophecy Once again Java- win because of gang Nila- gang and solo fas owning. Prophecy was helping Java gang. Oh and they all had kds of like 3:1 or better. So for three reasons I disagree with this. A) It could get stupid like if it were in place last week. People as low as 6th, maybe lower, could end up in 3rd. This encourages laziness on ladder if someone like Dadron3, who works hard even if he failed, decides to ladder. B) What would this even change? If you check out the latest ladder you'll see Java, then Nila, then some other dude. omg what a surprise!!!!!!! who would have thought those two would be winning again. And as usual they have perfectly good ratios. 3rd place is probably going to be fine as far as his ratio goes since he edps every time you try to touch him. So in the end this rule may make a difference here and there for 3rd place but the big money makers of 1st and 2nd are probably going to be unaffected. C) If you haven't noticed a common theme between Java and Nila's good ratio-they both either have a gang or solo because of snipers being pretty dominant. This rule I believe encourages more ganging and/or super buffs to kill 5-6 people then edp out of there. With a need for better kd in all aspects it forces so-called unfair PvP. What better way to avoid dying than getting a nice gang with a pally, prof, clown, etc to help you out? Or if you don't have friends who want to help ya out why not just dual client a pally and a ws and go to town on PvP. You'll probably get 5 kills if the 1st place person's gang is there and probably semi afk because PvP is dead. You can probably avoid dying altogether just by drinking some EDP. I feel like this suggestion makes full buff randoming and ganging even more of a problem and discourages people from actually trying hard to get kills in PvP (like Dadron). P.S. I've laddered twice on my own and am on my third ladder with Java so don't even say I don't know what I'm talking about ;)
  8. I updated mine and I am still having dcs. Typically my ping is in the range of 20-25 but every once in awhile I'll not even be able to receive data from the server when I check my ping (and then I dc) Just a side note my internet is working fine for everything else, for whatever reason it seems that my internet loses connection to just the fRO server.
  9. Member Since 25 Jun 2009 ---> YOU JOINED ON MY BIRTHDAY.

    1. sessions


      Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy. IT'S FATE.

  10. I'm not sure if there's really a good way to fix this but... Recently I've been disconnecting again and again for no apparent reason. For like 20-30 minutes I'll continually disconnect once every five minutes or so. My internet connection is fine and I really don't lag too much so I'm not sure what it could be. (my ping is like 25)
  11. sessions

    Bascojin Card

    This was updated awhile ago to fix priest's healing/sanctuary to something like 1000% increased effectiveness (correct me if I'm wrong there) I noticed that Potion Pitcher for creators was also buffed, which is nice and all. They can do like 300k or so with it. However this really isn't all that helpful since they need to carry around white potions that weigh as much as seeds. (15 each) So I am suggesting that bascojin card is expanded to include Slim Potion Pitcher also. These only weigh 5 each so they would be much more beneficial to use by creators. Instead of giving them the same bonus as the other skills I think it should be 1/2 the bonus, since Slim Potion Pitcher works as an AoE on party members and can be spammed unlike sanctuary. Pretty straight forward suggestion.
  12. Oh hey bumping this thread. My suggested stats for the new weapons are as follows: Unbreakable Int+30 Agi+30 MATK +40% Max HP +25% ASPD+10 Demihuman Reductions of 15% (Same stacking style as the bow) Level 10 Lightning Spear of Ice can be used Increase weight limit level 10 Compared to the old one this is adding: 10 int, 30 agi, 5% matk, 5% HP, ASPD+5, Demihuman reducts +15%, Level 10 LSOI. I think this isn't too overpowered, and it actually puts the sword on par with the soaring bird (Though not really) The SP bonus and the reject sword can go. I disagree with the coma chance because it is pretty much useless since anyone using this would be going straight up magic anyway and GTB>both coma and magic.
  13. Completely agree with you on the first part 3du but I have a problem with this: I think there are some serious flaws in this whole argument that TK don't deserve bonuses to be on par with other classes just because they are not Trans classes. (See below) This is a high rate and to be honest Trans classes just mean better skills and better hp mods. This isn't an low rate where Trans deserves a huge advantage over other classes. And it's really not the same as making Knight=LK due to the extra effort needed for TK ranker. I believe someone compared it to Super Novice being non trans yet still being able to compete in PvP thanks to valk weapons. However comparing LK to TK on the basis of playing style is in fact weird. As Kittie said they are most comparable to Assassin Crosses. Since they have to get up in their enemies faces and auto attack (plus kicks) rather than the LK way of being a tank while doing damage from a distance (Spiral Pierce&BB)

  15. Mmmkay I agree with these suggestions for a few reasons. A) Kittie knows what she's talking about. She's had her ranker for awhile now and has tested it extensively. B) As of now Ranker is basically worthless other than going for 300 vit and getting mad reflect. As she said even with 300 str the damage is pretty poor. (Rankers weren't built to reflect damage, they are sposed to be kicking people in the balls really, really hard) C) She tested her kicks on me (spamming as fast as possible) and even when I had literally no reductions on (no shield and all) her damage didn't even come close to killing me. D) Ranker requires far more work than any other class on a high rate to reach, especially since getting to 255 on your final transcended class takes all of 5 minutes with a decent leech. It should be rewarded because of the effort required to actually use it. E) The title of this thread is awesome. Jk that's not really a reason.
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