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The Hemperor

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Everything posted by The Hemperor

  1. That's kinda what I'd assumed, but given my knowledge of how the internals of this game work, I had to ask. ;) I'm betting there IS a way to do it, but the effort and time to figure it out would FAR outweigh the benefits it would provide. Especially when it just sooooo much easier to bash on a friend... Or a stranger! ;D Test Eggs?.. o.O Care to enlighten me?
  2. I know far too little about the programming aspects of this game to know whether or not this could work out very easily, but I've always thought it would be awesome to have a "training dummy" to test out everything from damage to the effectiveness of card combos. Imagine a stationary monster with a bil or more HP, insane HP regen, and the option for a player to change certain stats/attributes in order to get an idea of how much damage the new build you're trying for your character might potentially do. If you could alter stats, ele, race, size, def/mdef, etc., it could be very useful I think. Maybe it could even tell you somehow if/when you succeccfully stripped an armor or afflicted it with a status effect. You could even charge 1 Vote Qpon or something similar as an entry fee. I thought it sounded like it could be interesting, so lemme know what you all think as well. ^^
  3. I agree with ya there Beloved. Some players would probably be all for an @autohunt command if it was suggested! ;p hehehe The more the game plays for us, the less of a game it becomes.
  4. Awwwwww, those guns look kinda fun too... :crying_anim02: I'll have to ask a GM.
  5. Ok, just wanted to make sure there wasn't some weird rule I wasn't aware of. Thanks again Cirrus. ^^
  6. Wait a sec... Did they alter the GS Glorious weapons? Seeing as how they couldn't be used in that same manner... o.O
  7. Lol, so noone's gonna field the main question of this post?.. :shiftyeyes_anim:
  8. So they were never obtainable in any way other than via donation?
  9. Check ratemyserver.net for basic info on items, equips, quests, etc.
  10. Chech out the "Guides" section of the forum.
  11. Yeah, they're a biker gang based mainly in the US, but they're still pretty active, they just keep a much lower profile for obvious reasons. o.O
  12. How do you go about getting the glorious weapons? o.O I can't find any info on them anywhere... I tried RMS, RO Empire, AND searched the forum... :crying_anim02:
  13. Yup, there's the Forsaken King's armor for all classes, and the Elite armor for each class.
  14. How are the new gears going to be obtained? What I mean is, if you've already gone elite and gotten the weapons, will you have to do the weapon part of the quest over again, or will there be some sort of new NPC? I'm curious because (for gunslingers especially) with an exchanger of some sort there's no way of ensuring that the character exchanging weapons actually completed both parts of the elite quest... If it even matters I guess. I'm really asking because the only reason I haven't done the second part of the quest with my GS is that I don't want to miss out on any of the new goodies. ;p
  15. I'm wondering if (wearing an armor with 2 glooms, and fighting an MVP that's demon+shadow) the dmg bonuses stack; causing 160% or 324% in extra dmg.
  16. Here are a few suggestions for the elite weapons. They might be a bit powerful, but that's just because they're for the classes I like. ^^ But, again, they're just suggestions. ;p ------Gunslinger Elite Weapon Suggestions------ Forsaken Elite Gunslinger Rifle [4] 10% more Dmg to Demi-Human 20% less Dmg from Demi-Human 5% Chance to cast Lv10 Rapid Shower while attacking 2% Chance to cast Lv5 Disarm while attacking Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts) Atk 90 Weapon lvl ? Forsaken Elite Gunslinger Shotgun [4] 5% more Dmg to Demi-Human 20% less Dmg from Demi-Human 5% Chance to cast Lv10 Dust while attacking Inflicts Splashed Damage Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts) Atk 100 Weapon lvl ? Forsaken Elite Gunslinger Gatling Gun [4] 5% more Dmg to Demi-Human 20% less Dmg from Demi-Human 20% defense bypassing on Demi-human Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts) Atk 150 Weapon lvl ? Forsaken Elite Gunslinger Grenade Launcher [4] 5% more Dmg to Demi-Human 20% less Dmg from Demi-Human Each short ranged Physical attack has a low chance of destroying an enemy's armor [Refine Rate 9~10] Increases the damage of Gunslinger Mine by 2% times the refine of the weapon Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts) Atk 100 Weapon lvl ? ------Sniper Elite Weapon Suggestions------ Forsaken Elite Sniper Dagger +10 Str +2 Range Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts) Atk 90 Weapon lvl ?
  17. Is there some kind of cap on the damage a sniper can do with crits? I have a sniper with a MVP/Crit kinda build, yet I can't seem to overcome 32767 per crit. I'm using a +10 Composite with 1 TG/3Abysmals, Elite Armor with 2xGlooms, Elite Boots with 2xDWiz, Elite cloak with 2xChungE, 1Dex Belt, 1 Bow Thimble with an Ifrit,A FHelm with 2xKiel, and a meat mouthpiece with a LK. Now, I'm wondering if it could be some issue with the LK Card, or there's a cap on the dmg/crit dmg that can be done with a sniper. When I fight an MVP with Holy/Shadow or Angel/Demon, or both, I usually will be doing the standard 32767, but when I Frenzy (Dbl Dmg), the dmg stays the same... If anyone can help make light of this mystery, it would be much appreciated. ^^
  18. Yup, actually 30... I've always been a gamer though, I just got sick of ones I could beat. ;)-~

  19. Yer Signiture is absolutely hilarious!

    The avatar's pretty good too. ;)-~

  20. Ahhhhhh...! Thank you kindly sir. It's irritating basing your build on an incorrect formula... -.-
  21. Hi Me, how am I doing? Oh, I'm fine... And you? Well, apparantly I'm bored, and maybe even a bit lonely... Naaaah, that's crazy!... o.O

  22. I may be schizophrenic, but at least I have each other... ;D (just thought you'd like that ^^)

  23. Well, I love the cameltoe... And that's 1 dude (youtube vid)NOT to throw a surprise party for! ;D BTW, the bank pwnz my mom... take it up with them ;p

  24. I couldn't help but notice that Amon Ra's a quick little bugger! Maybe adding a slight increase in movement speed on top of the Kyrie would be fitting for his card...
  25. I've been unable to dismiss the fact that every class' Elite gear seems to include their FULL arsenal of weapons (LK's get a Sword/2Hnd Sword/Spear/2 Hnd Spear), Yet the gunners (as far as I'm aware) get only a Revolver... Well, what about the other 1/3-1/2 of their skills?.. They're in serious need of, at least a shotty, maybe even a gatling/grenade launcher. Granted, the grenade/gatling skills are fairly lame to begin with, but the shotty skills are all but useless without a shotgun worthy of their new-found Eliteness!.. If that's a word... o.O Since this IS a very general suggestion, I encourage all my 2nd Amendment fans out there to sound off like ya have a pair, and add some suggestions that'll help me sound smart!!! ;D...
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