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Everything posted by ~Flame~Of~Drakness~

  1. happy B-Day http://static.minitokyo.net/view/49/26/56349.jpg
  2. hai Epic remember me?! :laugh: lol hey so how is it been man? :biggrin:
  3. LMFAO mabye it was a GM or a god charo.O lol hmm lets see LKcard 1 thanatos card 3 abysmal knight card Fking set Fallen Ghost EMP arua hmm try that build: Agi=42+??? Dex=300+??? Luk=200+??? my MVP build hmm...you can try that and see how it turns out lol!
  4. wow those pics were really kewl, i really hope that GMs and Admin put this thing to thought!!! thanks for the pics;) :happystrange:
  5. umm when i went on to play it says that sever connection has disconected please tell me whats happening and when r we gonna be able to log on again? thanks :laugh:
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