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Everything posted by Rahvin
I'm interested, but I can't find you in game?
Leave your name. 350 DQs for an Angeling Rucksack.
B> 2x vit belts 160-165 or lowest offer Leave name
I have a MLF and Eddga for [15] each. I'm on Ishamael right now.
The quest is two fold and sequential. First quest will activate you as an elite. This is the part with the standard items (ex. hydras) + 1 class specific MVP card. When completed, you will get some bonus stat points to allocate, and a stupid 'certificate' item. All that work, and you don't even get a t-shirt. If you ever reset your stats, return to the NPC to get the small bonus stat points reimbursed. The second quest will only be available if you have completed the first. This is the part you hand in mass amounts of class specific cards. When completed, you will receive a box that contains a full set of class-specific gear and all available weapons (keep in mind you only get one of each type- sorry dagger assassins). It is repeatable (thus you can keep making sets provided you have obtain more reagents). The gear can be traded (or sold) to other players, and they can put them on regardless of whether they are an elite or not. The only way to receive a second piece of anything from the box is to (i) do the quest again, or (ii) obtain it from another player. Good luck.
If you dislike farming items en mass, consider using dcoupons to buy them. You can always (i) farm another higher drop item, (ii) hunt MVPs, (iii) play the market with buying and selling, or (iv) donate to the server.
yep shot my mouth off too fast. Meant converters and boxes :)
My main is currently a prof. The biggest advantage a prof has over a wizard is control. Absolutely huge control with webbing and dispel. Dispel can get rid of converters and boxes meaning you can get rid of most spike damage. For Asuras, you can usually eat them, but safety wall makes them a joke. Wizards have safety wall too, but a good prof can web and safety within melee distance so they can anticipate and get closer with a strip weapon. However, as always, an FCP+GTB will mean a long drawn out boring fight. Until the GTB comes off, magic characters will never have any chance at a strong finish. The classes I have the most trouble with are LKs and clown/gypsy. LKs because they have a good way to rotate melee (BB) and range (Spiral) without losing too much damage. They can pop out of web with charge attack which means you are consistently on the defensive burning yggs on health while they burn it on SP only. For Bards/Gypsies, blinding mist can help mitigate some damage, but again, they can lock you well with a slow grace + vulcan spam, and dump cards on you until (i) equipment breaks, or (ii) coma is set and capitalized on before you ygg. TSS champs can use a similar tactic with snapping around and throwing spheres. So with these weaknesses aside, profs are still fun to play. A common tactic I see these days is to go with double devis and a reflect (maya) shield. My response is to put on a tao+elem. chest and spam the bolt. Not every bolt is be reflected. :D *fixed.
Well most of this the average player already knows, so sorry if I insult anyone's intelligence; nonetheless it's nice to have it written down for anyone who doesn't yet understand the major concepts: Like any form of currency, the actual item itself has little value. However, it is anchors the economy by being tied to non-fluctuating worth. This is just like currency - your 100 dollar bill is only 10 cents of paper, but it is representative of 100 dollars worth of the country's resources (in times past, it was simply worth tangible gold held in a giant vault :D) Ex1. Any forsaken armor piece or stat belt can be purchased for 100 dcoupons If the piece is has sufficient demand, resale value can be expected at 90% and up. This means 95 coupons is usually worth one piece of forsaken armor or one belt, with 5 coupons going toward the convenience of having that armor piece or belt exactly when you want it. Items without sufficient demand will plummet in price [ex. agi belts, luk belts, and to a much lesser extent, fhelms]. Though still 100 coupons from NPCs, these usually sit around 65 to 80 coupons when purchased from another player. Ex2. Any card can be purchased for 25 dcoupons worth of actual money. These are not done through an NPC. These are done through a monetary transaction with a GM. For some cards, this means nothing. Drake, doppleganger, and orc hero will almost always be worth less than 10 dcoupons simply because they are easily farmable and have poor demand. However, for other difficult-to-farm cards, this is a very important anchor. The availability and willingness for people to put money into the server keeps the dcoupon price of cards closer to 25. In the past, there was a temporary inflation where cards were peaking close to 90 dcoupons in worth. This was quickly resolved when individuals began purchasing large quantities of cards and selling them, hence the supply increased and the demand died. The net result is that only a couple cards are costing more than their '25 dcoupon worth,' and the < 15 dcoupon difference is for convenience. The implications of a donation based in-game currency? Well, if more people purchase dcoupons without them being funneled back into the NPCs, there will be inflation. Liken it to the concept of your country printing off a couple million dollars worth of bills. Suddenly your 100 dollar bill has a lesser proportion of the country's actual resources (unless they have proportionally secured the same couple million dollars of resources). The one controlling factor is that individuals are STILL buying armors and belts from the servers' NPCs, and individuals are not donating to the server en mass. However, prices will fluctuate accordingly: Guild dropped items will continue to fall in price. Why? More supply, less demand [unless selfish guild leaders horde and try to control the market - which usually won't happen due to guild dramas and refomations] NPC supplied items will stay relatively fixed unless another in slot item exceeds it. Simply if it's good, people want it; however there is an unlimitted supply at a fixed cost. However, if something better comes out (ex. wings got pushed out by rucksacks), the demand drops and the player to player worth will fall. Highly rare items will continue to increase in price. Limitted supply, increasing demand, increasing currency available. Most obvious example would be a thanatos card. Items requiring labor will continue to increase in price (ex. quest rewards in demand, quest cards in demand). One hour of work is always worth one hour of work. With more dcoupons floating around, one hour of work to farm x amount of an item will require more coupons to convince someone to do it (as a consequence of opportunity costs). The life example would be how minimum wage continues to increase. Easy in game examples are carat cards, metaller cards, etc.
If you don't kill in one hit, then yes.
welcome back to the world of geared characters :)
I have a str belt and 2 dex belts. What's that worth to you ?
I'm interested in your irish hat. PM Ishamael during non-woe, or Demandred during WOE. I am a Canadian PST. Play time around 8pm-12am local.
Other bought at [80]. Close please.
Bought one at [85]. Looking for one more. PM Rahvin or Ishamael. (will be on Demandred during Euro WOE)
Darklord 20, Doppleganger 10, Eddga 20 PM Ishamael in game.
As the topic says, I am shopping for a +0 f.shield. My range is 92-96. PM Ishamael or Rahvin. [EDIT] Bought in game. Topic closed.
And on top of that, there's a reason why it's classified as an unreleased headgear. The items in this category have not yet been officially reviewed and are therefore likely to be adjusted.
Might I ask, since when was this server run as a democracy?
The original guide is wrong. The golden golden hydra mandragora would be (1.25+1.25+1.2)x1.2 = 2.04 Pretty much this is how it works. If it is the same effect, add the modifiers together. If it is different, multiply. Goldenrings, FBH, and Hydras are all +% to demi human so they count as the same effect. You would add these. something like a skel worker which is +% to medium is unique from the three afore mentioned cards. You would multiply this by the other effect as opposed to adding. For example a FBH and Goldenring (same effect) would be 1.5+1.25 = 1.75. An FBH and a skel worker (different effect) is 1.5x1.15 = 1.725. That is how you do the math. It's not tough. Now choose your cards and calculate which is the highest. Free answers make inflexible players. Build your own build.
As a small note, not all piamette colors are available as vote rewards. Blue is not there :(
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