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Forsaken Elder
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About exavier

  • Birthday 01/01/1910

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Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. I agree on this one, it has two side. -1 for me, why? because we all know that the lower the EMP HP is, the easer it breaks, and the more it breaks the economy drops. We have rare castle drops, if we lower the EMP Hp, small or big guilds will have no chance on getting anything from the Castle. As per the other thread on increasing the Castle Drop, its has also a point of not increasing it due to the fact that the EMP got High Hp, and for it to be balance, once you lower the EMP Hp, you will also have to increase the Castle Drop. Having high Hp does not mean that the emp is unbreakable, a good teamwork is always required. you can Tag up with other Guild to defend and to get others castle.
  2. First I want to know your definition of being active, is it by doing events? Because there are GM's which are active by helping new players on game, hunting Botter's and GM's that are answering Tickets for complains, error, scam cases, and other stuff. There are also GM that are responsible for fixing game problems, making game updates, and GM that are responsible for the server updates. So over all I think they are all active, but having different task.
  3. The Management will normally send e-mails to those who have been accepted. :)
  4. Rayray, I have seen and read that tread, and i think this has been brought up again because of the same problem, increasing the drop rate doesn't need to be drastic, i'm not really sure about the percentage of the drops, it has to be minimal. Again what im sayin is for it to be balance, pls. try to look at it in different point of view. as per my previous comment, its ok to keep the rare things rare, but as i can see, its almost unobtainable, we are in the 3rd quarter of the year, are there any guild leader who got a decent drop? What i'm trying to say is don't just reject someone else's opinion, try to look at the problem and assess the situation :)
  5. Welcome to FRO :)
  6. I disagree, it is DONATION, and no one pushed you to donate, they are already repaying your good deeds by giving something in return for your donation, don't you find it good that some less fortunate get to play and got to have good items by their hard work? it'll just make the rich richer and the poor... poorer... so ill vote NO on this one :)
  7. I prefer SEED, since its widely use by most of the players, but do not neglect that there are still players using BERRY, also speed pots are very usable during WOE. but if you are in a buy and sell bznz, ill go for the yggseed. :)
  8. I agree to etffbtw, but the thing is that we cannot do anything about the economy prices, that's normal and it all depends on the player, their item, their prices, we have to respect that. To GM Shino, I understand your point as well and that the WOE drops should be rare and it should stay that way, but the point that etffbtw saying is (as per my observation) that the castle didn't drop anything except 4 FSoldiers for 3 months, I think that's unacceptable. A rare woe drop is good it'll keep the value of the item, but to have no valuable drops at all, its like wasting your time on WOE without getting anything from it, i have seen majestic EMP, cool colors and all other stuff, and it looks very promising to do the WOE thing, but hearing from this that it is pointless, it gives me a second thought of building my own guild or joining other guild as it clearly show that all the efforts and time spent on it will be wasted. If I may suggest, pls. try to look unto the situation, he has a point, a player or a GM we also have to put ourselves in their shoes and try to keep the balance.
  9. DDoS - Distributed Denial of Service... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_denial_of_service_attacks_on_root_nameservers
  10. Trading My RED ROP to your EMP + Token...
  11. FYI... you cant use ygg leave while having raid...
  12. looking forward to have these fixed asap...:) goodluck...
  13. exavier


    Sinx Crit H.Wiz Staff IP [1] Thanatos ROP Emperium Aura FD Pass Sinx Cape Sniper SB Dorcus Baloon
  14. Happy Birthday! ;)

  15. exavier


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