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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Centurion

  1. coz tat wat u wan everyday men.

  2. hi. u wan c0ck in u mouth?

  3. oh men. h0pe u get bett3r :3

  4. Are you srs? How come?

  5. retired smoker??

  6. Centurion


    What's the point of getting people help meaning pallies, If you just go OL's and get kills that way. It's just stupid, even that way they still trying to get people to feed them.
  7. Talking to Huy's sister.
  8. Centurion


    AHHHHH HAHA. I sry guys. I was bored.
  9. Centurion


    hi :3
  10. Centurion


    Hi i'm new my name is Carlos. Pls help me ;(
  11. Centurion

    This or that

    PSP iPhone or Blackberry?
  12. Centurion

    This or that

    Facebook R&B or Rap?
  13. Happy b-day fgt.

  14. Centurion

    Top 3

    12. Carlos 13. Xustin 14. Tony
  15. Centurion

    Top 3

    1.Smooth 2.Aura 3.Unbreakable.
  16. I agree. WoE is now boring. I think if it changes to 2.0 it gonna be interesting.
  17. Lol. This guy saying I use sprite edit. This is what I had on.
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