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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Centurion

  1. Fk u MAN NOW U KOS

  2. Happy Birthday _)@Y

  3. Centurion ftw! :D
  4. Sandshrew aka Dina
  5. GTFO! LOL.
  6. I'm In Miami Bitch - LMFAO
  7. Happy Birthday ^^
  8. #2. Because of color scheme used and the flower with a cat on it, something that's out of the ordinary and not seen. I also liked the text used.
  9. I'll play Sinx. My cousin wants to join so he'll play Professor.
  10. I can play Sinx or Champ. ;)
  11. I'm in.
  12. LOL.
  13. I'll pay for it. :]
  14. Can I have that pic? :]
  15. Bye Justin. Hope you come back. :D
  16. Bye Biscuit. Hope you come back.
  17. Centurion

    I'm out.

    We'll miss you J. Hope you come back. :(
  18. Bye John... :(
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