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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Shadi last won the day on November 28 2014

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About Shadi

  • Birthday 01/13/1992

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  1. Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/brian.folsche/posts/928158033895785 Facebook screenshot: http://s27.postimg.org/hn7jbvaf7/facebookfrotimeline.png Twitter link: https://twitter.com/BrianFolsche/status/582533614069411840 Twitter screenshot: http://s27.postimg.org/9vqtdb69v/twitterfroadd.png Google+ link: https://plus.google.com/100591344861905919736/posts/j3oGZvqc5Es Google+ screenshot: http://s27.postimg.org/7fozzgo77/Googleplusfroadd.png Good luck with the draw everyone :)
  2. The BB spam is more than fine the way it is right now. It can still easily kill but it simply can't be abused as hard anymore. I don't notice much difference from LKs that have always played legitly.
  3. As always legendary versions and such will be like 70% of the effect? For the none donators/newer players we are upgrading the highness (so also the legendary weapon). And we're also granting freeze immunity to the none f-set helms such as Loli hat, magic eyes hat and kafra headband (which is a vote reward). And for HP modifier I prefer put it on TGK since not many people can afford ring and valk weapon. Or maybe just give the HP boost on both valk weapon and legendary hwiz or hwzi ring and hwiz cape (donated/voted)I rather see the hp buff on the ring/weapon so you can still switch armors around to logical once instead of being forced to always have at least 1 tao to get anywhere near decent hp. As for the effects. The legendary weapons and rings would have the 70% effect as always.
  4. Well there's also buffs to the highness and the none f-set helms. I think that'll be enough for someone that doesn't main wiz. If you want to play it to full potential however, you'd need the rings. I don't think we can change the buffs to other spots as easily, other than the rings.
  5. Please agree or disagree with the above. @Zombee, I'd recommend you changing your first post to this as well since we both agree on these changes.
  6. In my eyes 4 things have to be done to make star gladiators completely viable: 1: A slight hp buff. 2: Remove the hard delay on running -> fsk 3: Fix the npc to actually reset the hatred targets instead of the map reset. Resetting maps does not reset your hatred targets. This will remove the limit of hatred targets. 4: Make union usable without the soul link buff. So keep it dispellable but the star glad will be able to recast it without having SL.
  7. I know the feeling :( Not gonna be responding to all that was written because our ideas come down to the same things, we just have different idealism for the class and such we'll find a way in the middle. I personally love the JT skill, easy to spam, high damage but with the icewall removal in most pvp areas it's no longer a core skill (other than on maps without pushback) Here's my idea: High Wizard Cursed Ring: Walking speed +15% Reduce Damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Reduce Vit def by 35% HP +40% SP +10% Matk +30% Int +20 Vit +20 Hit +100 Increase Damage with Stave Crasher by 20~30%. Ring:High WizardBlessed Walking speed +15% Reduce Damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Reduce Vit def by 35% HP +40% SP +10% Matk +30% Int +35 Increase Cold Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Fire Bolt & Jupitel Thunder damage by 20% Wizard highness current: Max hp+ 20% Max sp+ 10% int+ 30 Matk+ 35% Increase stave by 80% Reduce damage from demi human 10% 5% chance to strip shield Level 10 enlarge weight limit enables use of deluge/vulcano level 3. My Highness suggestion (aside from the rings): Max hp+ 25% Max sp+ 10% int+ 30 Matk+ 35% Increase stave by 100% Reduce damage from demi human 10% 5% chance to strip shield Level 10 enlarge weight limit enables use of deluge/vulcano level 3. Increase Storm Gust, Meteor storm damage by 35% Magic eyes/Kafra headband/loli hat - Grant immunity to freeze. With these changes I think wizards can be a strong competitor (when played right and used to high potential). What these changes allow wizards to do = 1: Have decent single target damage and also have the option to do decent aoe damage (the possibility of getting stoned if you want to go for aoe/high damage will persist, every class needs weaknesses. However the possiblity of getting frozen when you go for aoe will be removed (similar to the ship captain hat for all physical classes) :)) 2: Have a survivability that's on par with other jobs, they'll still have slightly lower hp, but they'll have slightly higher reductions with the weapon. 3: Make stave crasher actually useable without thanatos card if you use both the ring and the weapon.
  8. Where was this stated? I haven't seen it anywhere. And if it was stated I'd like to know the reasoning cause it makes no sense. Meteor storm has always been one of their major damage spells. It's not my choice that wizards were originally made as the AOE magic class and professors as the more defensive/support and single target one. 150k with about a total of 200 vit with tao, 1 skoll, frigs and cape. We can't simply make wizards copies of professors, if we try that they will always remain the weaker counterpart of professor since professor simply have a lot more options than wizards have. People right now swap cloaks for survivability. NO class requires to give up their cloak cards to do decent damage with their main damage spell. Only Hwizards do. Also since you claimed I should just swap. This doesn't work with salamander cards. The moment you cast a meteor storm and swap the manteau, the bonus damage of the ongoing MS is gone. Also as my suggestions state, wizards will still need to swap manteaus just like any other class has to, however they simply wont be complete sitting ducks vs any thanatos class just because the wizard wants to do some damage. Right now it's either do no damage and survive vs thana or do decent damage but die in 1-2 thana hits from any class. Pick the preferred option. No, since the AOE spells are about burst damage, not about sustain, meaning if you hit 2-3 of the meteors you should be dealing heavy enough damage to kill if he/she doesn't ygg. High wizards should be more than AoE bots, but right now (and with the buffs you suggested) they will only be slightly viable as single target magic damage dealers, and their AoE will still be garbage. And if you want to boost it like that then wizards will always be sub par compared to professors since profs got more matk, got double bolt and a lot more defensive options. I personally would just like to see wizards excel in their own way instead of trying to make weaker copies of professors. Champs don't need blessed for asura to be effective, they don't need cursed for fo to be effective. Both skills can be utilized more than fine without those items. Wizards however will need the cursed for stave to be effective unless the general stave bonus on the weapon gets boosted. You could just safetywall on their spot so they can't pneuma there. There's more options than ganbantein and melee. 1:You can tank some damage and get in melee range, but as a wizard this is not a good choice. With a professor your defensive skills and HP will keep you alive when doing this. However any good player will take out a wizard that tries to melee them. with their current HP that is. 2: So you want to suggest for wizards to get the skill autocast? I was stating wizard melee will never be as viable as professor since profs have 1: double bolt and 2: autocast. 2 things wizards don't have and those are the 2 things that make a melee prof viable. 3: Wizards already lack stats the way it is, their matk is rather low so you need a ton of int, their HP modifier is crap so you need a lot of vit. Wizards are forced to use hats outside of the fset to be anywhere near viable, so you need a ton of agi. And now you want them to get str too to be viable vs pneuma and gtb. I just don't see it happening unless a lot of other things change first. 4: One of the things that make melee profs viable is being able to have 1: high sp on fbhs. 2: being able to asura with both autoskill rings while on fbhs and while using thana. force people to skoll with thana, force people to either take high dmg from autocast magic bolts or force them to gtb and die by asura. If you use crit instead of the thana effect you won't be able to force gear changes as much. 5: Napalm beat is like a level 1 bolt. It's not gonna do much unfortunately :(. Stave crasher is an interesting option though. The dagger would be pretty fun to use on a professor due to the autocast skill and such but on wizards it won't be as viable. I like the idea though but wizards would need quite some changes to be able to use it. Edit: I hate how buggy the quote system is here. it literally always fucks up :(
  9. Shadi

    Aspd On Wizzy

    For farming I wouldn't bother getting too much aspd :).
  10. It's still out there ;_; and most of the things I wrote there would still work as a solution imo. I'm glad someone remembers the topic :)! Edit: I probably would've still been bumping that topic until now but it was moved to reviewed back then. Soo xD!
  11. As one of the only pvping high wizards on the server I highly agree that they need some love/attention. However I do not entirely agree with the things suggested here. I'll explain why. First of all, the major problems wizards have do not lie within the rings, they don't have ideal effects for wizards, no but that's not the problem wizards are dealing with. Wizards have 2 big problems. 1: In order to do any decent damage as a wizard at all you need to sacrifice all current sorts of survivability. You will need hats such as loli hat/ magic eyes/ kafra headband. Which already limits your headgear slots to 3, leaves you vulnerable to stone in all situations and you are vulnerable to freeze. If you do not use any of these headgears your damage will not even be mediocre. Using a marc card leaves you with less than 100k hp or have no ghost. Using a scarf lessens your damage output and makes the rings useless. 2: If you want to do any decent damage with meteor storm you can not wear skolls or raydrics. 3: Not only are you vulnerable to many statuses, on top of that wizards have extremely low HP. My wizard reaches about 150k hp. with the same gear/vit as my prof. However my prof reaches 250k+ hp with that build. Now that the general things are out of the way I'll comment on your suggested changes: This would be quite a buff to the ring, yes. But not a buff that we should be aiming for imo. Wizards are not made to be spamming bolts, they're made to deal high burst damage with aoe spells. I'd rather see major buffs to their AoE spells than simply buffing up single target spells. Especially since Highwizards have so little HP that buffing up single target spells is suicide. My suggestion would be something like this I've made the changes made to bold and i'll explain why I've made these changes beneath it: Ring:High WizardBlessed Walking speed +15% Reduce Damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Reduce Vit def by 35% HP +40% SP +10% Matk +30% Int +35 Increase Storm Gust, Meteor storm damage by 35% The first change is the vit defence. I know this has been the same for every class so far, but I'd like to mention that there isn't a single class that needs a cloak card in order for their main damage ability to do any sort of damage. Sure other classes have cards for manteau that increase their damage but they don't need it as their regular damage is already high enough to kill with. For wizards this is not the case. Meteor storm spam takes long to get going, and even with the manteau cards anyone can outygg the damage unless they're caught off guard by a mind breaker'd wizard. The second change is the HP, Highwizards obviously lack HP, now you might say 40% (30% increase) is way too large. but you have to keep in mind that wizard's base HP is basically the lowest in the game. This change will basically make their HP go from 140-150k average, to 170-180k. On tao that is. The Matk buff is there to give wizards an option to not always wear loli hat/etc and be able to deal decent damage without being vulnerable to everything out there. The last change is instead of boosting the single target bolts (which are basically suicide for wizards atm) I'd rather see buffs to their AOE spells, to keep professors as superior with the single target magic, but actually make the AoE skills from wizards more viable because lets be honest, the aoe skills as they are are pretty much useless, stormgusts don't stack, it takes 30 seconds or so to get meteor storm spam going and the damage from it is mediocre even if you sacrifice all your defensive items etc. I could agree with these effects, it will however force a wizard to have both rings in order to be effective. Most classes have 2 rings that allow them different fighting styles, but don't necessarily require both rings to be effective. That's why I'm still in doubt about this one. Agreed. I see absolutely no use for this dagger for the wizard class to be honest. 1: Wizards have crap survivability. you want to avoid going melee attacking as much as possible. The stats of this dagger do not allow you to go physical. 2: Wizards don't have autocast like profs 3: Wizards don't have anything to boost their physical damage, this'll result into low damage output with the crits overall 4: Due to the crit effect they won't be able to use thanatos to boost their damage. 5: Auto casting napalm beat is not going to do anything whatsoever, it's one of the weakest damage skills in the game.
  12. As a professor myself I have to disagree with this. Profs still are at a stable position when talking about competitive fights, even with these delays. Profs were being abused pretty hard by third party program users. a slight delay reduction maybe, but definitely not back to what it was. The other point I agree with, wizards should be looked into more as they are far behind almost all other jobs on the server and they are hit harder by this change than profs due to them not having double bolt.
  13. Detale does lower your max hp though, since you'll be swapping a tao out for it. So enemies might be doing lower damage but the target's hp is a lot lower as well Sorry I worded that wrong, the succes chance stays the same. But the higher dex/aspd you have the faster you can cast the cards in succession. You also need 3 kiels, I believe attackspeed is needed for tarot but I'd have to test that. So you'll be able to be either frozen, or stoned or vulnerable to a lot of other things :P Also if you want to have max aspd on the reduction hats, you'll have to add an enormous load of agi , unless you're already in a dex build which would leave your survivability to being mediocre due to the lack of hp etc. Sure there's ways to find a balance in both HP and reductions. But with the current reductions in-game you will limit your own character severely if you choose to go full reductions. A simple gtb shield and fcp counters a clown that has full reduction gear completely. Since they won't be able to do any damage due to 1: low dex. 2: no gear that adds damage because they're using gear to add survivability. Reductions will always be tricky. I just personally think the current rate of reductions is fine. I want reduction builds to be possible, but with limitations to the character's ability to function. Right now, it's exactly like that :).
  14. = Goodbye more redux. = slow tarot + low success chance of tarot. Not all of them stack with king shield either.
  15. Highly disagree with this. The only reduction options that are left bring along high disadvantages. 1: Poopoo hat/devi hat leaves you with 3 headgear slots + able to be frozen 2: Combat knife allows clowns to carry a total of what ? 80 seeds? Without their enlarge weight limit they can't carry shit. They can't do any damage either. Simply wear gtb and a redux/tarot clown won't hurt you at all. 3: These items already do not stack with the best reduction stuff such as friggs shield. Yes reduction should be closely monitored but we shouldn't be removing ALL demi human reduction items. Going into a survivability build should still be an option. They shouldn't go to a certain level. And they aren't going to that level. The current highest reduction is way lower than what the reduction was back then. Back then everything stacked. Now they don't. It's either or, not all together.
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