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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. ;o!

    You still bzy? o.o

  2. Nelly~ :o!

    Where r you? i haven't see you in weeks. :c

  3. Hi! :3

    & V lol. xD

  4. ;o!

    Y so sudden? :c

    && Like what naru said, GL in life & Thx for everything. >:3

  5. 1666
  6. 1664
  7. Awsm! :D
  8. =3
  9. 1641
  10. Yes pls! >:3 It's nice. && I wish i know how to use the movie maker tho. o.o
  11. 1637~
  12. Idk the price for it, so you should've ask someone else about it. xD && Notepad : Unreleased Headgear , You get it either by another player or donate for it ( It's worth $5 ). F.Soldier Card : Treasure box from WoE castle. Symbol of brave warrior : Doppleganger. Sayan Tail : It doesn't exist here. xD Rune of powers ( RoP ) : Was once a donation item for limited time, click here!
  13. 1635
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