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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly





  3. D:

    need some sreenshot to prove that i got hacked

  4. If you choose the third option you must have some screen shot Good luck~<3
  5. Lhya can you tell me ur e-mail??

    wanna send somepic


  6. Yea i think...


  7. GM

    WHY i cant enter the server??it says rejected from the server can you explain why?

  8. GM

    WHY i cant enter the server??it says rejected from the server can you explain why?

  9. :D

    Then i met you be4

    as Twilight Elite

  10. :D

    Ok thx for ur answer~<3

  11. :D

    Ok thx for ur answer~<3

  12. :D What the title says! OFFER AND IGN HERE OR PM ME: ShaRp PaW , HoLy MoOn
  13. QQ~

    Is it just me or ppl just nicer in the forum.

  14. QQ

    Is it just me or ppl just be nice in the forum.

  15. What the topic says OFFER AND YOUR IGN HERE OR PM me : HoLy MoOn , ShaRp PaW :smile:
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