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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Rayna

  1. The idea here is that music can be where you least expect it, and can be found in nature. Also, I colored the music notes to almost blend with the rest of the background because the music in nature is subtle, sometimes even hidden. Resources: http://www.thebest3d.com/dogwaffle/presszo...gicForest02.jpg http://www.dailypainters.com/images/origs/...ndra_merwin.jpg http://www.medfordmusic.com/products/harps...ger%20image.jpg http://community.post-gazette.com/cfs-file...21.65/Flute.jpg Brushes: http://silver-gfx.deviantart.com/art/Spark...rushes-52109585 http://missedyn.deviantart.com/art/Music-N...rushes-49273560 IGN: Ryaiyu
  2. This week, I have to throw my vote for Icon as well. To me, his is very unique. I like how he chose to use the constellation in the piece, rather than the personified/animalistic? version. The animation is also well done. I love the idea of the little scorpion trying to woo the stars.
  3. Where's Icon's...?
  4. It's fine. Thanks Ami. <3
  5. Hand drawn, got lazy on the path lines, sorry. :) Path is something...like a fruit roll-up, I guess? Clouds/gate/walls/bushes are cotton candy...Lolipop trees and a chocolate fountain. Oh, and the little people are...candy things. Heavenly sweets? :D IGN: Ryaiyu
  6. Sigh. Not my fault that the only place in the house with a mirror that I can use is in my very outdated bathroom. =[ The bathroom will be redone soon, though. I'll send a pic of it to you when it's done for you to fap over. :D
  7. Woo, Easter! I look so happy. /sarcasm
  8. Ooookay...so this is fail. I didn't have much time to spend on anything this week, and I wanted to do something different. So, it's a chocobo. Chocobos are a trademark of Final Fantasy, and are in every game somehow. I know it doesn't look like one, but I couldn't find any pictures to base my drawing off of, at least none that were posed like I needed them to be. Quickest sig I've ever made...(Yes, I know it's Wednesday, but it's the only day I had to work on something. xD;) Don't make too much fun. :/ Hand drawn. Software used: Photoshop CS4 Brush used: Link IGN: Ryaiyu
  9. Happy (late) birthday!
  10. LOOOOOOL. Dat's what you get for cheating on her! And, yeah, he's a skim milk boy. ;D Veri skinny, you kno.

  11. Revenge at it's sweetest...milk boy. ;D

  12. I has been poked!

  13. DAN'S RIGHT. D< God, you suck. QQ

  14. Rayna

    Ar Tonelico

    Sigh, I hope they get it over to the US sometime soon. Although, I haven't played the second one yet. >: PS3 is slow at coming out with good games (in my opinion), but there are a few decent ones out there now. Definitely worth investing in, or asking for for your birthday or...something. xD
  15. Wow, such a bloody topic. o_o To be honest, this is really hard to decide...So many of the entries captured the different sides and essences of graffiti...However, in the end, despite the issues on all sides (>_>), I'm giving my vote to [ 6 ] Emy. Here are my thoughts: [ 1 ] The overall look to this signature is pleasing to the eyes. I do like the composition. However, the multiple fonts that, for me, aren't in the "graffiti" style kind of deter me. The colors flow well, though, and everything blends well. [ 2 ] I like the wolf in this one, and I like that BlackWolf put herself into this, which is what graffiti does. It expresses the graffitier. Again, I like the colors in this signature. Personally, I have a bit of trouble reading the text, and it feels like it's missing...something. It feels like the presentation is conflicting with what she tried to accomplish...like it's too neat while trying to be a bit scattered. I don't know how accurate that is, but that's how it feels to me. [ 3 ] I like this one the most for the "wall graffiti" feeling. I do with that the lettering stood out a bit more, because it's fading conflicts with the lighting on the wall, in my opinion. I guess that the paint running down also bugs me a little bit, for the reason that, with the grafiti around where I live, the graffitiers don't allow the paint to run. They take too much pride in their work to let it run. That's just where I live, with my experiences. I'm not saying that other places don't let paint run in their graffiti. It just feels...off...to me. Sorry, I don't know how to describe it. D= I guess it's just what you're raised around. [ 4 ] This one made me laugh a bit. Honestly, scribble always made me think of graffiti as well. Points for creativity and humor. To me, though, it didn't represent graffiti as well as the others, but I do love the thinking outside the box! [ 5 ] This signature also made me laugh. I do like it, but again, it just doesn't do graffiti for me. It reminds me more of children's chalk drawings. I'm not trying to give offense with that, it just doesn't hit the style for me. It's cute, though. [ 6 ] Ok. I voted for this one for a few reasons. One, like Pat, it really hit the graffiti style for me. However, so did a few of the other entries. In my opinion, the pure black background really makes the graffiti pop. Also, seeing as this is signature of the week, this is the one I could see most easily as a signature. I have seen graffiti this stylized. Graffiti is an artform, especially to those who actively put their mark everywhere, and to me, it feels like Emy gave the style the most...dignity? Can't think of the word right now, sorry. I guess the colors could have been dimmed a bit, but at the same time, that wouldn't let it pop like it does. I can imagine this in real life on a building with ease, and I don't think it would harm the beauty of it. Congrats to everyone, though! I think this has been the best SOTW for entries. It was hard to make a decision, and to be honest, I wish we could vote for 3 or 4 people...or 6. I know that wouldn't help, but I feel that the participants really outdid themselves this time. xD Everyone should feel proud about their work. :3
  16. I think I forgot about Valentines day...o_o /fail I might sit this week out and just work on getting used to software. Good luck to those of you who DO participate!
  17. Congrats everyone. :) Ilu 2, Emy. XD And, thanks for the votes! Especially thanks to Emy and Ami for the votes of confidence. I'll keep working on it. ;3
  18. Ok, this time it was my first time working with a tablet, and it took me forever. Nothing to post, everything was hand drawn and colored. No references used. All elements four are represented here. IGN: Ryaiyu Software: CS4, Wacom tablet. And my sig is there, in the lower right-hand corner. Hard to see, but I didn't want to take away from the rest with it. It's the light blue in the darker shade.
  19. Yeah, I think so. :3
  20. Sounds fun. :)
  21. Congratulations. :)
  22. With this, I see guild leaders hoarding drops and not passing them out to their guild mates. This would also be another case of making the strong stronger...and while the base idea for better equips is good, I think the castle drops would limit it to too few people. I don't agree with using so many castle drops for this, unless we find a use for the Unknown Wheel and whatever else there are, the currently useless drops that drop at a low percentage rate. I think that these were originally intended in the forging of a super weapon or something, so I dunno.
  23. Good point. I'll keep that in mind for the future, thanks. ;3
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