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Everything posted by MinMin

  1. heard you are leaving. why? =(

  2. MinMin

    This or that

    laptop =3 x3 or xD ??
  3. what's wrong about asian >.>
  4. Lonely =/ And pissed =( coz my apartment is real hot right now. Screw the air conditioner.
  5. wish i could =( my apartment line has blocked fRO ftp >.>

  6. aww thx ^^ hows your day?

  7. MinMin

    This or that

    Jesus =3 Heaven or Hell?
  8. hahax i know its cute x3

  9. lolz me too =(

  10. hi =3 whats a DP? sry for being dumb =(

  11. so far so good =3 miss fRO =( coz my damn apartment line has blocked its ftp T.T

  12. MinMin

    This or that

    cowgirl =3 meow or rawr?? >:D
  13. MinMin

    Draw With Me

    lulz i actually dropped my tears q.q but the ending is kind of "omg" for me anyway nice clip ^^
  14. aww why's that? bc in rl?

  15. what happen to your uncle? =(
  16. Me too >.> I think i will try google translator.
  17. How cute x33 I think i will buy one to sleep with lolz
  18. jerryjerryjerryjerry

    Happy Belated Birthday !! ^^ lulz

  19. Hell no >.> TPBM is addicted to porn.
  20. lolz true i won't stab girls =3

  21. huh? lolz rumors =3

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