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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by hobomagic

  1. i drink Red wine when its free (red wine = dancing on the table at my cousins wedding) Beer = fail unless i got that chalky thirst in my mouth (or i just wanna get wasted) favourite drink = rum coke or irish whiskey and coke or scotch whiskey and coke other good drinks = fruit tingle wierd drinks for getting wasted = irish car bomb (u gotta try this if ur crazy)
  2. :sad: im nt amerikn i ddn no emerkins spL lyk dys, i tot onle kewez did. im nt kewe do
  3. alt+f4 = fal i wundr if alt+f4 kn b re-programd/scrptd 2 b coma (scrptd lyk alt+# flgz)
  4. hobomagic


    lulz ali mre itmz wit 98 w8:1 itmz + d 2 itmz u wnna colekt in ur invntry. (invntry hz a max strge lmt ov 100 lyk kartz)
  5. i rkn dey shud brin in a lyt w8 cnsumabl sp itm, diz wud men sp 4 all clzes wud nt hv a dzadvntg n dz wud nt afkt pplz hp hel = ppl stl nid ygz sp cnsumabl item wud men ppl wil nid 2 pryorityz w8 lmt 2 ethr ygz 4 hp or sp itm 4 sp n the udr matr ov hotkein 2 typz ov hel itmz
  6. lol i no hw bad al doze bilds r storkr iz my mayne bt i dn ply it on diz srvr...i wudn wnna gib awy me gud bild. doze bildz wre jz 2 emfasyz dat itz a mtter ov pryortez nt d fakt dat storkrz r dizadvntgd in w8 and sp bonus thus storkrs dun nid d upgrdz. storkrz mayn uneek skl iz cpy n strp (cpy iz uzfl) BUTT strkr strz r itz hibrd,cpy n strp abiltez in all srvrz.. if nethin u shud rekwest dat storkrs b abl 2 cpy advns sklz, bustin storkrz hibrd kwolitez fru stt bonusz iz mre ov a addon rardr den a eqlizr in class balnce
  7. QQ /wrist...hu uzez fro wiki? itz ezr 2 uz d rchyve gyds cuz itz moar cmp1337
  8. Zomg chk-owt dis hibrd bild 300dx 190int zomg 40 vit no str i pwn you w/ magic den u uz gtb n i pwn u w/ hi ds dmg cuz u gt no usok zmg dmg pr0 bt cnt cary ygz n gt low sp frm dbl fbh lets gv sp n w8 lmt a bust Hellz no dun need a soupr dupr storkr w/ pr0 magik n melee/rnge dmg n gud Sp+lotza yggz liv w/ ur sts n pryorityze uz dis 100str 190 int 230 dex rest vit +agi if u no hw 2 uz it = 160k hp 130+ ygz (dpndz on eqp w8) decnt dmg boath melee and magic or uz diz 300dx enuf agi 4 195aspd 100str rest vit or uz 300int enuf agi 4 195aspd 100str rest vit
  9. a little while back there was a bugged item which gave ws more cart weight just wanna find out what item it was to try abuse it on another server yess im a twisted cheating mofo who wants to abuse the flaws of games....but hey i get satisfaction out of other ppls grief
  10. w8 lmt n sp iz nt ne dsdvntge. if u hv 1str on ne chr u cn onle cry 40 ygz. n ne chr wif 2fbh n lwish int iz gnna hv low sp. ur hibrd bild jz hz itz sts in d uder sts den d wons 4 incresn w8 lmt n sp
  11. hobomagic

    Hobo Shop

    bp edt
  12. lol when ppl write s/b/t> 2nd belt i think wtf is a second belt
  13. lol 27 hotkeys isnt enough for me, anyone know a way to get more
  14. check out the guides section in the forums try lhz_dun03 (or ask for leech in there = lv 255 in around 20min)
  15. Wrong section, and what other servers have you played be4? your Real name and IGN both sound really familiar
  16. I disagree For there to be advantages in one player/class there will be dissadvantages in another you cant have one without the other. And playing to a classes limits means to play to strengths...and for there to be strengths there has to be weaknesses. Its like yes and no the meaning of yes cant exist without a meaning for no
  17. yea thats what it is on this server
  18. yes sinx are really strong....they are also one of the most expensive to play lol congrats on passing strategy 101. imagine hotkeying your equipment wow thatd be a revolution. obviously these strategys have downsides....weight, and your ability to change equips at the right TIME against multiple chars and still being able to aim (multi-tasking). On midrate/lowrate servers with armours that only have 1 slot...players skill are more focused by skill to utilize multiple equips and not the ability to spam berrys. Skill consists of ability to AIM, SPAM, MULTITASK, TIMING, DECISION MAKING...not just spam
  19. ok if your a guild short on players and need a gunslinger to help you defend a castle, im offering my neutral loyalty to any guild for a price (i will want payment b4 hand and i wont be asking ridiculous amounts)... just pm me be4 woe. If i dun get hired ill probably be the one knocking off players at the spawn points inside a castle lol My gears are decent (tgs, incan, tao, gr, skoll, 2fbh, double kiel, pharoah, mayap, fset with elite gun, dex belts, ruck, fbh aura) Lol and i may or may not be online every woe, so hiring will have to occur bout 10min be4 woes or during woes (im not the best gunslinger, but 1extra gunslinger at an entrance = your castle defense just went up by that much more)
  20. lol all guilds will either ask for an arm and a leg for loyalty in order for a emp aura or you have to become tight friends with them (tight like a tiger) even then itd still be at least 3-4 months be4 they will give you one
  21. hobomagic

    B>3D Glasses

    15 or offer
  22. i was refering to giving gypsys/clowns a hp boost not sinx...sinx are considered one of the most played classes on FRO so itd be stupid to make them more powerful.
  23. lol yea i have a bad habit of long crappy posts Short Form - gypsy/clown similar to sb sinx and champs - quick kill or get killed - yes maybe a small hp boost
  24. it would take too long to repair in the middle of a fight, they would die first unless they do a quick runner to a safe spot then repair and start fighting again jus to get the item broken again. yea they still can use swords i think. And yea stalkers are in the same boat as all classes which dont use strength as their main attack (cant carry many yggs). But it also depends on type of stalker you play... i personally like the hybrid and from what you say looks liek you play a hybrid too, which means [upside: can damage with magic and ranged attack, downside: slightly lower damage/cant carry yggs] but if it was a pure dex stalker then - high ranged attack, can hold as many yggs as snipers gypsysclowns, (maybe gunslinger lolz). but dissadvantage : ds damage will never be as high as sniper and is already pretty crap on this server, bowling bash requires a fairly close range. but thats all in advantages and dissadvantages of builds. if you were to weigh up the pure builds of a stalker to other classes, yggs is not a disadvantage. and if you were to play an INT or hybrid build (sp is not a dissadvantage... they actually have a very nice SP bonus, its jus the skills they use require 45 ++ sp i believe). But yess they definately need a bit more of a damage boost to weigh up the major disadvantage of fcp being very easily available.
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