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Everything posted by ChaoticaFaenrir

  1. ;~; d'aww, thanks lots <3!
  2. I'm new here. :C <3 Hai everyone!
  3. Howdy people... as you can see, I'm new to this server, I just joined yesterday, but about my only redeeming quality is art :c, so I figured I'd share my work with all of ya'. :'D Feel free to add me on DA if you like my stuff... I do draw RO characters, if anyone's interested... for a price >3>. This is fanart for my favourite RPG, Mass Effect... it's my newest and best work yet, in my opinion.. Portrait of a friend's succubus character.. wee. :D Work in progress An eyeball I did in about a half hour... Gift for my cousin. <3 A character of mine. That's it for now, if you want to view more check out my DA gallery at www.caelestistrucido.deviantart.com or my online portfolio at caelestistrucido.carbonmade.com ^_^ Hope you enjoy it! :3 *Please don't use any of these works without my permission. Thanks!
  4. I'm Olivia. I'm a nineteen year old digital artist from the U.S. and I enjoy being silly and sardonic. Gaming is my life, next to my artwork. I've been playing Ragnarok Online since beta and have served as both a player and a GM on various private servers since. So far I quite like this community, and I hope to get to know all of you better and have some fun. :3
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