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Everything posted by Kakakelvin

  1. Ahaha man juan You didn't know? xD

  2. What's wrong with the numbers? The US Video game industry alone was $10 billion in 2004. Putting that into a worldwide perspective, adding in companies like Sony and Nintendo, there's huge money being made. Looking at a $2 billion annual profit alone made by Nintendo is a far cry from the total amount of revenue lost by developers globally over 5 years. Now, how many people do you know with a modded system? Be it a PS2, PS3, Wii, Xbox, 360, or even an R4 for DS for example. Video game developers make the majority of their money from their video games - much more than what Sony makes off of selling a PS3 for example. There are very few people who play video games who buy all of the games that they pirated and liked - and usually, the reason it to play the legit copy online due to an anti-piracy measure like a CD Key rather than supporting the developer. One of my friends was recently let go from his position at video game company that developed a very successful first person action game. Their sales figures were great for PS3 and 360, but the decision to release a PC version of the game concurrent with the console titles proved to be extremely counter-productive. Not only did PC sales account for perhaps only 5% of total sales, it likely gave people a reason to simply download the game and play on their PC rather than buy it for their console. It's a single player game after all. How many fewer people would buy Final Fantasy 13 if it was on PC, and instead pirate it? Very many. If it hasn't become clear yet, piracy is basically causing single-player computer games to become non-existent because they're not worth it anymore. If piracy did not exist, you'd see computer versions of many many more Xbox and PS3 games because they're relatively easy to port. That's why piracy on the DS was such a huge problem. Almost all DS games were single player, which made it more difficult to incorporate any sort of effective DRM. And about your story of Joe who stopped buying CDs, the way I buy PS3 and Wii games are based on online reviews and recommendations from friends. I would have done the same for my DS and PS2 - so not everyone would give up acquiring music completely (or in this case, video games) because it cost them money now.
  3. Aha it's ok. Who do you go on as on fro?

  4. Mhmm.
  5. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/28848/C...415_Billion.php To put this into perspective: Nintendo has been making around $2 billion a year total profit over that period. So either these game companies would have been a lot richer, or these numbers are off.
  6. Events.. Heh

    I never really liked events cause I never win :[

    I end up losing or getting wiped immediately :[

  7. Well, first of all, you shouldn't. But if you do and you want to look like an idiot: Behold. http://iphonedslr.com/blog/archives/73fb Why not connect your iPhone to an slr lens?
  8. Ahaha :]

    Do you still play fro? :o I don't see your sinx around anymore :\

  9. oi. :]

    Colourful poring page you got here. :)

  10. You never say hi to me no more. :c

    I ish sad.

  11. Hmm.. Visiting my profile without leaving a message? :]

  12. Kakakelvin

    Tok Essay

    As requested by a member on Forsaken, here is the ToK essay I wrote back in highschool. Topic: How do beliefs about the World, and beliefs about what is valuable, influence the pursuit of knowledge? Word count: 1204 Hope it helped :P
  13. Lol it's over now ^
  14. LOL
  15. The new GoldenEye 007 on Wii has introduced a new “Move your feet” mode in their multiplayer system. Basically, if you stay still for more then 3 seconds, you’ll be blown up in a sea of fire and hatred. Man... Is this overdue? lol [center]Picture: Justice[/center] First off, I hate campers. I also hate my friends. It doesn’t sit right (bazing!) when guys spend the entirety of a match not moving and counting their money. Shameless. Furthermore, I just don’t get camping. It’s boring and it ruins everything. People used to run-and-gun. Running-and-gunning was the in thing to do. You’d zoom around the map with automatic weapons and you’d take out people as you ran into them. And if that failed, you’d slap them to death. Nowadays people hide behind boxes and commit knife crime or they plant mines on ceilings (which work very well by the way). The “Move your feet” mode is actually one of several featured in the upcoming GoldenEye videogame. There’s a “Classic” setting that allows access to weapons from the N64 title and another one that forces gamers to play as midgets. But props to “Move your feet.” Yes. Punish the camper. And now that I think about it, the sniper. Yeah, you won’t be able to snipe with this mode on… and that might affect things. P.S. Yeah all you people in combat arms can burn to hell. :] //
  16. Sorry that was Timmy lol he said hi.. lmao

    Sup dick :)


  18. <3333
  19. Sup pen0r (;

    keke here LOL

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