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Forsaken Elite
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About Kozuku-kun

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  • Real Name
    Chever Roldan
  • Ingame Character Names

Kozuku-kun's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Kozuku-kun

    This or that

    xD cute or ugly
  2. Kozuku-kun


    Lol, kay I'll find people who can help us and active in WoE. Which of these are active: ZerO NightMarE- assasin cross 255/255? Final ZerO- high wizard 255/255? Psydeus- high priest 255/255? And yes I'm trying to get elite gears as well but I'm not an elite person yet I'm Hunting items for EDP and sell them for 1:2/100:2 yet no one is still buying Are you Online Right Now? Anyways My Ninja May BC and look for you, my char's name is "Hyung Wook Sae"
  3. Kozuku-kun


    I want my GS to join this Mercenary Guild but what's the right equips and stat for a GS? I also want my champion to join this guild if I don't have the right equips for a GS my friend is also looking for a guild and this might be a good guild for us. Anyways these are my current items in my Champ: [Hydra]Mace 2 ND Str Belts [usakoring]Guard [Fox]Shoes [MayaP]Glasses Head Protector I'm Still Selling some stuff like EDP Tix 1:2 but no one buys it. Can you guys? oh an I'm trading Sniper Shield for Champ Shield(lol, I could just finish the fRO's Elite Quest)I'm maxed still looking for money to buy the things I need to become a Forsaken Elite My Champ's Name is "U n b e l i e v a b l e"
  4. Kozuku-kun

    This or that

    Kitkat Mom or dad
  5. Kozuku-kun

    This or that

  6. Kozuku-kun


    what's PS?
  7. Same Here Do I really Looked like a baby?Then wait, I'll Look for my baby picture...missing.
  8. Kozuku-kun


    thanks to all and goodbye to the following people on this server(IGN names): Guppy~, Kyrie~,DarkestDeath,HMD-929,Diagnosis:Forsaken,gleason,and other people who I met in forums
  9. nao what? ------------------------------- o.O What if I buy both PSP and Nintendo DSi, is it fine? Let's say I'm your son and you're my parent(s). Oh and thanks.
  10. Which is better? Nintendo DSi or PSP 3000(Slim) Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 Nintendo Wii or Xbox 360 Nintendo Wii or Playstation 3 Xbox 360 or Nintendo DSi Nintendo Wii or PSP PSP or Playstation 3 PSP or Xbox 360
  11. thanks, i think i'll go with Free McBoot
  12. Kozuku-kun


    I just bought kingdom hearts II i think, in a DVD-R which means its not original, I saw how to play it using a modchip, but I forgot the site which gives/teaches me how to make a MoDchip for PS2, anyone knows how to do it? ----------- I thought I am going to get a PSP but a PS2 Instead (I am bad at English!)
  13. WAHAHHAAH I can't wait for KH_Birth By Sleep, but what's the remake of it? anyways, please PM me!
  14. Kozuku-kun


    Can someone give me a stats build for Clown and the items needed, please reply or PM me, I need it. Thanks /thx
  15. nah I think the link I gave is mooooooreeee better except that megupload limit, that's shit
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