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Everything posted by Frakker

  1. Nothing new...just wanted to put this out there with other people's rants about the same old subject...getting killed while MVPing. It's been a while since this happened last. The MVP's hp was already well below 1/4 which guarantees I get the MVP but these blokes still tried to steal it anyway by killing me and my party. I've seen and met other people who just either leave us alone when they check the HP or stick around to get the time of death or even help kill it. But damn, there's really some people who can't be helped. PVP in all the maps doesn't mean you have to lose common courtesy. It's a choice. Wearing emp auras and valkyrie helms these The Mafia members jumped in, killed us off and tried to run away with the MVP monster. It wasn't really a smart move since I just jumped back and waited somewhere. Thing is, there was no point for the senseless attack. It just really pissed me off. :grrr:
  2. Sesame Street
  3. Rosario+Vampire...funny show.
  4. Doraemon (^__^ lol) Escaflowne Scrapped Princess <---if you haven't seen it, WATCH IT! Bubblegum Crisis Macross Robotech Ranma 1/2 El Hazard Golden Boy Ghost in the Shell Appleseed Ninja Scroll Great Teacher Onizuka Baccano! Kekkaishi Hajime no Ippo Cowboy Bebop Hikaru no Go <---actually made me learn how to play Go...although I suck. Rurouni Kenshin Mai Otome The Big O <---Only sounds like porn. Full Metal Alchemist Deathnote Code Geass Studio Ghibli Movies ...all I can remember at the moment but these will always be on the top of my list. :)
  5. John Doe. Too bad it just lasted one season.
  6. Frakker


    Liked the Thor storyline better, seems like the animation done on Thor was a lot better too. :rolleyes_anim: Oops...didn't notice the date.
  7. R. Lee Ermey, the drill sergeant...awesome! (Forgot to add The Frighteners, he was there too.) :suicide_anim:
  8. Kind of a weird mixed list but meh... The Abyss A Beautiful Mind Big Fish Cinderella Man Fight Club Full Metal Jacket Happy Gilmore Meet Joe Black Monty Python and the Holy Grail An American Werewolf in Paris Grosse Pointe Blank Shawshank Redemption Stardust Stranger than fiction Sex Drive Trainspotting The Princess Bride The Rocker
  9. The same has been happening to me ever since I started playing here and it's still happening now but the difference is now I can fight back. It's going to take some time and a lot of grinding but you'll eventually get your gear together. Just gotta have a tougher hide 'til then... :smile_anim: P.S. Er, I drop by yggdrasil from time to time to uh...check out the leftovers...hope you guys don't mind. :P
  10. Nintendo DSi Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Nintendo Wii Playstation 3 Xbox 360 :ph34r_anim:
  11. You only need to update your firmware with a custom one. Mine is using 3.71 M33, it's a bit dated but still OK. You can run ISO files of games from your memory stick after that. There are guides out there on how to update it just google it, be careful though, try not to turn your new PSP into a brick. :devil:
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