Mario -> Aamir
lol u sock without tha shoe! D:
43 minutes ago · LikeUnlike · · See Friendship
Aamir - I still trying to lace together what u mean...
I guess is for solely you to know xD
Mario LOL, i swear u havin fun wit dem puns
Aamir - i still dunno what u mean ahaha
Mario - best u become a PUNDIT LOL
Mario - and i mean you suck...without the shoe LOL
Aamir -
Mario - loolll
Aamir - I have a indian name to call you....PUNwasie
btw is zac dedz?
Mario - WEWYY bess u go to PUNNYwise and buy some soap to wash your mout LOL
Mario - na he by his girl all now, if u have a blackberry and bbm, den u cud talk to zac lol
Aamir - but i didn use anything obscene punk!!
Aamir - wait so I need a bbm to talk to ppl wdj
Mario - yueh wit all dem puns u gone end up PUNished in Jale xD bahahahaha da pun never ends wit dis
Mario - and bbm is d new xbox >_> witout d games
Aamir - well ppl lookin like ZOMBIES wit the bbm anyways =/
Mario - u callin Me a PUNk? wow u sick wit it not PUNNY anymore! it jkust FAIL XD
Aamir - Glad u know u fail...I was abt to make u look PUNy
Mario - LOL! u a Lyricist now wit all dem talk talk talk, like Buwuhmoda Jamaican Fren Say we eh wuh no WAR up in Dis life isnt all Pun and Games!!
..i hear u used to work at a blanket factory, until it folded.
Mario - thres only so many ways i can say pun before its no longer fun : (
Aamir - Hmmmm all that talk and your breath still carryin that pungent odour..
Mario - wey dat wasnt a Pun using PunGent was it...wey..i hadda take sum PUNcheon to come out after dat 1
Aamir - smells of puncheon
Aamir - lol take my word!
Mario - HAH! i beat u to it, faill :P
Mario - bahahaha faaaaaill LOL
Aamir - u were more PUNCTUAL
Mario - There are three types of people in the world, those who can count and those who can't XD
i gues you should go back to sesame street, and pimp some hoes with the count
Aamir - ahah lol I done...for now
I gonna drink some punch!
Mario -
because Puns isnt your thing, d only ting PUNCTUAL here is
d fact that you could make a pencil with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point? it wouldnt PUNCture anything LOL!
*i hereby declare myself taking the cake wit dat one, it had an intro, a body and a conclusion*
my essay get full points and it was punctually handed in
Aamir - Alright PUNkin I will let you win, for once xD
Mario - ♥ PUNtil Next time
Mario - dis was pun!
Aamir - no lol was disapunting...
Aamir - LOL Go back to your window now ahha leave my zombies alone hhaah
*Dolphin Dives*
Mario - LOL! na lets do this instead: