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Forsaken Council
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About Masahiro

  • Birthday 02/03/1990

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Guardian (5/10)



  1. Mario! How are ya?

  2. mawioooooooo <33333333

  3. Mario -> Aamir lol u sock without tha shoe! D: 43 minutes ago · LikeUnlike · · See Friendship Aamir - I still trying to lace together what u mean... I guess is for solely you to know xD PUN Mario LOL, i swear u havin fun wit dem puns Aamir - i still dunno what u mean ahaha Mario - best u become a PUNDIT LOL Mario - and i mean you suck...without the shoe LOL Aamir - ...no lol Mario - loolll Aamir - I have a indian name to call you....PUNwasie btw is zac dedz? Mario - WEWYY bess u go to PUNNYwise and buy some soap to wash your mout LOL Mario - na he by his girl all now, if u have a blackberry and bbm, den u cud talk to zac lol Aamir - but i didn use anything obscene punk!! Aamir - wait so I need a bbm to talk to ppl wdj Mario - yueh wit all dem puns u gone end up PUNished in Jale xD bahahahaha da pun never ends wit dis Mario - and bbm is d new xbox >_> witout d games Aamir - well ppl lookin like ZOMBIES wit the bbm anyways =/ Mario - u callin Me a PUNk? wow u sick wit it now..it not PUNNY anymore! it jkust FAIL XD Aamir - Glad u know u fail...I was abt to make u look PUNy Mario - LOL! u a Lyricist now wit all dem talk talk talk, like Buwuhmoda Jamaican Fren Say we eh wuh no WAR up in Dis life isnt all Pun and Games!! ..i hear u used to work at a blanket factory, until it folded. Mario - thres only so many ways i can say pun before its no longer fun : ( Aamir - Hmmmm all that talk and your breath still carryin that pungent odour.. Mario - wey dat wasnt a Pun using PunGent was it...wey..i hadda take sum PUNcheon to come out after dat 1 Aamir - smells of puncheon Aamir - lol take my word! Mario - HAH! i beat u to it, faill :P Mario - bahahaha faaaaaill LOL Aamir - u were more PUNCTUAL Mario - There are three types of people in the world, those who can count and those who can't XD i gues you should go back to sesame street, and pimp some hoes with the count Aamir - ahah lol I done...for now I gonna drink some punch! Mario - because Puns isnt your thing, d only ting PUNCTUAL here is d fact that you could make a pencil with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point? it wouldnt PUNCture anything LOL! *i hereby declare myself taking the cake wit dat one, it had an intro, a body and a conclusion* my essay get full points and it was punctually handed in Aamir - Alright PUNkin I will let you win, for once xD Mario - ♥ PUNtil Next time Mario - dis was pun! Aamir - no lol was disapunting... Aamir - LOL Go back to your window now ahha leave my zombies alone hhaah *Dolphin Dives* Mario - LOL! na lets do this instead:
  4. Masahiro

    2012 ?

    Lol fail, Barb, i didnt even read the posts above BUT! 2012!!!! it comin!, warplane shot down today war here war thre war everywhere WAR1!1!!one! but rly lol the worlds going to hell =o
  5. Yea i stopped using it a while ago, sowwie 3:

  6. lol i would have sent it on Fb but idnt see u there anymore :S

  7. E-doo

    sup now lol

  8. LOL, i got caught partway, this was kix
  9. lmao its already re-installed x.x

    but yeah ima be afk for a bit..shitload of work :P soo i be on later

  10. Masahiro

    Epic Mealtime

    eppppp1cccc winnn....!! God i want this for breakfast LOL +1 for me 2 LOL cuz we dont give a fuh*Squackkkk*
  11. Awts man, I wish you all the best with your studies man. Why the hell would you delete your fRO! D:< Ayemishu Q.Q LOL you better come back and you crazy people with their LoL. I no like! I no play!

  12. I'm pretty busy at the moment but if you send me a screenshot and description of what you'd like I'll be sure to get around to it eventually! ;3

  13. it is easier to get angry at someone for not liking you than it is to like someone and be happy when they like another

  14. like everyone forgot about the character that is Ashes Divide : < lol

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