Guild Leader: Lord Kimochii
Co-Tanukis: Aime Elari -Eman- OneShotKill Ebichuman Guild Spot: @warp gonryun 44 17
Communication: Raidcall
About Us Tanukis is a currently a guild that focuses on reaching as far as possible in the server whether it be in quests, levels, PvP, PvM, ET, or WoE. We want to explore the server to its fullest and everything it has to offer. Our focus is as a group rather than individual so it's not uncommon to see us waiting until the other person catches up in level, or going so far as creating alternate characters just so they have someone to party with. We share our knowledge of builds, quests, leveling spots and the like among each other to help progress. We're a very social guild so getting along with everyone is a must, we treat each other like family. We hope to see you be a part of our family too!
What We Do In Tanukis we try to make everything a fun and socialble enviornment. In my eyes i belive we could do WoE, Gear up, Mvp and more together, However us being a new guild is our problem Come join us and the socail talking!
How to Join
In reality what would happen is you would ask one of the Co-tanuki's and you get!