Let's face it, most players find an mvp, kill it, and record the time they killed it, then simply camp the spawn when the revival of the monster occurs after {x] amount time period. It's extremely frustrating going mvping for me, and I would believe many other players, when people just camp the most famous MVPS(kiel, tao, gloom, etc.) I'm suggesting a new setup, a setup that includes random spawn times for EVERY SINGLE MVP. When the mvp is killed, it will spawn again at a random time. This way, EVERYBODY has a chance at finding MVPS. Yes, people could still just stay there after they kill it, and wait for it to spawn, but they won't know when it will spawn, thus could be wasting their time moasing around the area, and eventually give up. This new system could be a completely fair system for every single player on the server. I highly suggest this, and ask that you please atleast take a glance into my idea.