Edu's Proffesor Guide.
0.1 Alpha
Ok let's start with the Stats: Stats:
Strength: 70-80. Depends on the amount of Ygg's you wish to carry.
Agility: Enough to get 195 ASPD with the Dexterity's bonus Aspd points.
Intelligence: 250-270+.
Dexterity: You need 150 for insta cast, so it will have to be 150 with the + damage. Example ( 100+50=150! ;D )
Luck: No need.
Vitality: Rest of your stat points goes here.
*Note: Stats depends on your gears but, this is the basic stats that proffesor needs. Gears:
Ok so here, I'll give you both Non-Donation and Donation Set combos. Non-Donation/Elite Set:
Upper: Sheep Hat[1], Snow Cap[1], Santa Puppy Hat[2], with Kiel card.
Middle: Snowflake Aura[1], Sun and Moon Aura[1], Fallen Bishop Aura[1], Flower Aura[1], Emperium Aurora[1], with Kiel Card.
Lower: Quest Drop/Poporing/Angeling Rucksack, Ice Cream Mouthpiece, Scarf, with Kiel Card.
Armor: Elite Proffesor Armor[2] with: 1 Tao Gunka Card and 1 Ghostring Card.
Manteau: Elite Professor Manteau[2] with: 1 Raydric Card and 1 Skoll Card. Or you can also go 2 Raydrics.
Shoes: Elite Proffesor Shoes[2] with: 2 Fallen Bishop Hibram Card.
Shield: Elite Proffesor Shield[1] with: 1 Usakoring Card or Thara Frog Card.
Weapon: Elite Proffesor Staff[4] with: 4 Kingring Cards, Elite Prof Book[4] with: Dragoon Warlord, Metalling Card, Phreeoni Card and Valk Randgris.
Accessories: 2x Expert Rings[1] with: 2 Siroma Cards or Imp Cards. 2x Orlean Gloves[1] with: 2 Siroma Cards or 2 Imp Cards. NOTES:
The following items you can get them via:
Sun and Moon Aura, Quest Drop/Poporing/Angeling Rucksack, Ice Cream Mouthpiece, Professor Elite Set.
Voting for the server:
Fallen Bishop Aura, Flower Aura, Scarf.
Sheep Hat, Snow Cap, Santa Puppy Hat. Donation/Forsaken King's Set:
Upper: Forsaken Valkyrie Helm[2] with: 2 Kiel Cards.
Middle: Myth Aura[1], Rune of Power Aura[1], Emperium Aurora[1], Zodiac Aura[1], Love Aura[1], Butterfly Aura[1] etc with: Kiel Card or Maya Purple Card.
Lower: Scarf, Any Ruck( No Quest ones ) with: Kiel Card or Maya Purple or Forsaken Soldier Card.
Armor: Forsaken King's Armor[2] with: 1 Tao 1 Ghostring Card.
Manteau: Forsaken King's Cloak[2] with: 2 Raydric Cards. You can also use 2 Deviling Card, 2 Skoll Cards, 1Ray 1Skoll Cards etc.
Shoes: Forsaken King's Boots[1] with: 2 Fallen Bishop Hibram Cards. Or 1FBH and 1 Dragoon Wizard Card.
Shield: Forsaken King's Shield[1] with: Usakoring card. Or 1 Golden Thief Bug Card etc.'
Weapon: Proffesor Highness Staff with: For Full Matk: 4 Kingrings. For Stave Crasher: 1 Turtle General Card, 1Kingring Card, 1 Phreeoni Card and 1 Thanatos/Incantation Samurai Card. For Striping/Dispelling: 2x Dragoon Warlord Card, Phreeoni, Valk Randrigs Card, or: 1Phreeoni Card, Dragoon Warlord and 2Kingrings*
Accessories: 2 Forsaken Intelligence Belts. NOTES:
The Forsaken King's set can be obtained by:
Buying from another players.
*= I recommend this one in situations when you have to strip, keep that one so when you strip, theres no need to change to the MATK staff.
I think thats all you guys need to know about basic proffesor stats and gears.
If you got any other suggestion to help this topic, feel free to post it. EDIT!: Fixed the Santa Puppy and Middle/Lower Headgears on Non-Donation. EDIT #2!: Changed the weapon section in both Non and Donation parts, Thanks Xtopher for the heads up. The End.