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I've been playing for about 3+ years myself! I remember the days when Vayne was first released and shit would literally shit on everyone 1v5.

Also, someone carry me from Gold to Plat, pls n thx. <3

Hit me up, HeyPepper, and I'm in NA. If you're an ADC I can defo support you (that is if we get duo bot when we queue for ranks). I'm support main and also a jungler (switching between Jax, Vi, Xin Xhao, and Shyvana, <3). I'm currently a Silver III smurf (Gold II from my lost and cannot retrieve account).

Lol..the days of OP AP Yi and Vayne's first release. I don't give a shit if I'm far from her...I'd still flash to get to an even more safer spot and away from when she ults. xD

I shit bricks when she goes invisible and yell RIP. xD

Edited by sshinytoyguns
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I started playing LoL when I stopped playing in this server. :)))) Just in S4. I play in the PH server (Garena) but I still haven't played ranked because of my level (27). :)))) Anyway I main support. Fave champs are Thresh, Janna, Sona, Rengar, Gnar, Rek'sai, Kassadin, Vel'koz.

Now, I stopped playing LoL and got back to this server :)))))

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I started playing LoL when I stopped playing in this server. :)))) Just in S4. I play in the PH server (Garena) but I still haven't played ranked because of my level (27). :)))) Anyway I main support. Fave champs are Thresh, Janna, Sona, Rengar, Gnar, Rek'sai, Kassadin, Vel'koz.

Now, I stopped playing LoL and got back to this server :)))))

have you tried support Rengar

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I play on EU West and I'm a midlaner. My fav. champion is Zed ever since released. I am in Gold, trying to get to Platinum this season. My main champions for the midlane are Talon, Zed, Syndra & Orianna. I've never been the best Jungler and ADC, more likely mediocre at best.

Edited by Levis
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How did your promos go guys? hahah I went 4-6, bronze 2.. haha i was like wtf, I was silver 2 last season XD

I dont play much now coz of fro, but I try to climb up sometimes, I must say It's pretty tough xD

Lost a bunch of games coz I raged instead of trying to carry the game xD Then demoted to bronze 3 :P

I can play any role now since i started in season 4 :D Bronze bootcamp is awesome xD

My fave top laners are: Ryze,Gnar,Jax

Fave Junglers: Lee Sin, Rek Sai, Khazix, J4, Hecarim

Fave Mid Laners: Yas, Zed, Ori, Twisted Fate

Fave ADC: Tristana, Corki

Fave Support: NAMI!!

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How did your promos go guys? hahah I went 4-6, bronze 2.. haha i was like wtf, I was silver 2 last season XD

I dont play much now coz of fro, but I try to climb up sometimes, I must say It's pretty tough xD

Lost a bunch of games coz I raged instead of trying to carry the game xD Then demoted to bronze 3 :P

I can play any role now since i started in season 4 :D Bronze bootcamp is awesome xD

My fave top laners are: Ryze,Gnar,Jax

Fave Junglers: Lee Sin, Rek Sai, Khazix, J4, Hecarim

Fave Mid Laners: Yas, Zed, Ori, Twisted Fate

Fave ADC: Tristana, Corki

Fave Support: NAMI!!

How do you like the new Tristy? (not Rumble's robot thingy)

high five fellow Bronze escapee! :D (Escaped from Bronze 5/700 elo)

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>tfw you hit 4 wins in a row (2 in normal ranked, 2 in promotion ranked) and you get to skip 1 division

then you get another 4 wins in a row and now you're on series again

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