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About Storage

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  1. what map is that where you exchange ?
  2. Garm + 3x valk manteu and 3x valk armor for ur fbh
  3. whats skoll spawn rate? the mvp and dragoon wizard?
  4. when are houses coming?
  5. Title buying with zeny only
  6. Storage

    New Update!

    what does the set do? other than the appearance change
  7. Storage

    New Update!

    nvm, opened forsaken-ro patcher in my forsaken-ro folder
  8. I have a bunch of mvp cards/items in my storage that arent doing anything so im selling them. Heres are my prices. I will accept coupons, no zenny or items. Garm x4 - 2 coupons each or 5 coupons for x4 Dragon aurora x1 - 3 coupons 12 edp tickets - 5 coupons I'll update and add to the list later
  9. buying glistening coats for 750k each (ingredients: alcohol zenorc fang heart of mermaid empty bottle) pm Storage thanx!
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