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[ Critique ] Black Spidey

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I guess Obama did do a change after all already.

8/10 'cause it has no font and since Jay owes me sex.

If you can't/suck at doing text, you should at least practice. ):.

I say text distorts the focus. It doesn't really add a big impact if used right anyway, in my opinion. A picture should be worth a thousand words, so one more is pretty optional xD. Sure, sometimes I use it, but a lot of the time not really.

As for the signature, I'm not really an expert, but I'd say it's good. I would've used more gray instead of direct black, but it is up to personal preference. It could add some effect of cloaking with the background or something.

If you can't/suck at doing text, you should at least practice. ):.

whoever said he suck/can't.

jhay is da men!!~

If* And I said that because I was looking through some old topics, and some people were commenting on his text-work. I'm not trying to be harsh/mean or anything. I'll only do that in-game when I make fun of him. (:


You know you can add font right?

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