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So, I just got CS4 and I realized "Woah, I don't know how to even use photoshop that well." So, I was on a hunt for some tutorials to try. I found a nice romantic one; site can be found here: http://www.rnel.net/tutorial/Photoshop/11042

and this was my final outcome: Amorous.jpg

So yeah, don't h8. :D It's my first serious signature. If anyone has some great tutorials they could throw at me it would be much appreciated. ♥

OH! Thank you Dani for showing me how to use a border. ♥

And thank you Jerry for helping me find tutorials. ♥


By the power of greyskull....

First signature? Incredible!




I love it, just work on the font a bit but hey, your first signature and I've done around 20 and my fonts always still suck :P

Definitely keep this up.


Wow, thank you everyone for your wonderful comments. :D

It means a lot to me. Although, I would like some criticism too; I'm trying to learn and get better.

Also, any tips or whatever is very much appreciated. ♥

  SweetSerenity said:
Wow, thank you everyone for your wonderful comments. :D

It means a lot to me. Although, I would like some criticism too; I'm trying to learn and get better.

Also, any tips or whatever is very much appreciated. ♥

Font, blending, fix the sky a bit make it look more graphicish, don't stick to 1 color, make the font more readable, add a bit more to the picture itself, make it look more mystical.

:] there. Only since you'd appreciate it.


I don't use Photoshop , but if that's your first SIG lawl Awesomenesseseseses.

You beat me. <3



It's uh...interesting Serenity, lol.

The font is a little blah and the background is one-dimensional. Like it's flat like you're looking up at the sky instead of looking into the horizon? Idk. Brushing grass using that grass brush is hard and tedious to make it look good...

Nice work though! I thought you had photoshop! Hell, I don't have CS4. I'm still using CS1. Maybe I'm not using it anymore even, lulz.


  Kittie said:
It's uh...interesting Serenity, lol.

The font is a little blah and the background is one-dimensional. Like it's flat like you're looking up at the sky instead of looking into the horizon? Idk. Brushing grass using that grass brush is hard and tedious to make it look good...

Nice work though! I thought you had photoshop! Hell, I don't have CS4. I'm still using CS1. Maybe I'm not using it anymore even, lulz.


LOL I JUST SEEN THIS ♥ Aww, thanks Kit Kat. (Liek ur new name???) I hate it so I was like *deletes* LOL. ♥ It's not great but I've seen worse too. Teach me photoshop plz? :D


Everyone has to start somewhere! Keep making sigs and always save them so you can put together a slideshow reflecting your progress. Aesthetically, my graphics have changed dramatically over the years, and it's always fun to see where you started out and the progression to the skill level now.

<3 Tutorials. They're helpful to learn techniques. Like, you see the final product and learn how to do it and then you can take what you learned an apply it to an original idea.


yaaa i like a lot

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