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@warp ?

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hey everybody , i was just wondering :how do u tell what to type in after '@warp' to go to were u want to?

for example @warp pay_dun04 or @warp gef_flid14 ext.

like is there a page to tell me , or is there some sort of code that i have to know , ext.?

this prob sounds like a realy noobish question (because it is) , but i cant figure it out


Well, you can either use ratemyserver.net or you can use the following two commands.

If you are looking to farm a particular item or go item hunting, use the command @whodrops "item name here"

This will bring up a list of monsters that drop what you are looking for (if the item exists and you didn't spell it wrong)

After that, you can use the command @whereis "monster name here" and this command will bring up a list of map codes with the monsters location. And that's how you can find maps easily without needing to alt+tab

I hope this was helpful.

Well, you can either use ratemyserver.net or you can use the following two commands.

If you are looking to farm a particular item or go item hunting, use the command @whodrops "item name here"

This will bring up a list of monsters that drop what you are looking for (if the item exists and you didn't spell it wrong)

After that, you can use the command @whereis "monster name here" and this command will bring up a list of map codes with the monsters location. And that's how you can find maps easily without needing to alt+tab

I hope this was helpful.

oh ty for your help , i def wouldnt have figured that out on my own XP


You can also use /where at the place where you want to warp to again. That way you can warp to the exact same place.

You'll get two coords :- for exampe mof_fild14 250 12

You can type @warp moc_fild14 250 12.

Hope that helped.


yeap , it def did , thanks for your help on the matter . Btw i like how helpful that everyone is in forsaken , couldnt say that about anyother ro forum i have been on


not everyone is that nice

but we usually help the newbies as much as we can

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