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Weapon for TK / TK Ranker

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I sorted threw most of the Topics again after I made me a TK and working on Ranker...

I was reminded while ranking of an old Server I was on they had Weapons for TK (Sprite of the Weapon acually being on the feet :D) .. and I was wondering if it would be possible to create one or two weapons for TK so they are able to at least use some weapon cards, because for example in cardcombos there are often Weapon cards so TKs can't use the combo..

it doesn't even have to be a strong weapon like 150dmg or whatever but to have a 2~4slt (foot-)weapon for TK would be nice and give rankers the oportunity to use cards

the old server i was on they were donation equips, and only those, and that took out all the fun because not everyone can or want's donation items so maybe, if possible, for example take the Waghnak Knuckels sprite .. (or no sprite for on the char, but you see daggers and swords so dunno).. and make it equipable as a weapon eventho it would be a footgear but as footgear we'd have the card(-combo) problem again :/

sry for having to many ideas ~___~"


they should use shoes as a weapon lol

like fricken. titanium shoes or diamond spikes sandals. lol

combat boots


yes but that still leaves the cardproblem :)


and adding to that ..I met a Sage while ranking and he tryed to enchant the weapon with .. uhm i forgot the skillname ^^ ... anyway he couldn't because I ... well because I don't have a weapon .. so it would be kind of only fair to balance that out :) ..


yes well that was my main point, just a lowDMG weapon (like maybe 25dmg max would already suffice) so to at least have slots for cards


I already suggested this to Genesis. He said he might do it.

Honestly, I think allowing a weapon for a ranker would make them far too overpowered. 300k HP easily achieved, infinite kick combos + every element easily at your disposal.. I can only see a one or two slotted weapon being appropriate for the class, if any.

Even though we have defensive benefits, our offense isn't really that great. I can only do about 1~2k kicks on average, highest I've seen is 6k. Also, if the target takes off their GR or armor element, our damage gets screwed over since Neutral takes the same damage from every element, so you won't be able to pop even 1k kicks on them. So yeah, even two slots would be just fine for us. Also, Lyn, since we don't have a weapon, our element goes to our shields. So if you switch shields, you have to recast Warm Wind.

jay, if i wear a guillotine on a TK can i still change element?

Nah cuz Warm Wind only changes your helm element.

Also, Lyn, since we don't have a weapon, our element goes to our shields. So if you switch shields, you have to recast Warm Wind.

afterwards you said helmet .. *confused* :P .. anyway something I didn't know... ^_^

... about neutral elements .. yes thats a problem .. poison is the stronger element against Neutral if I'm correct .. so having a Assasin (Cross) in the party who casts enchant Poison (not deadly) on the teak wouldn't work cuz that applies to the weapon at least on assasin, meaning 'take of the weapon = element restored' .. thats the only element I can think about ... but considering the neutral Mobs maybe a +10% dmg buff on neutral would be fair? dunno :/


a guillotine wasn't ment as a weapon for TK on my suggestion, just a LOW dmg knuckle kind of weapon, or Spikes that add on to the boots .. like wall climbing or whatever ... anyway the Guillotine is a 2-handed Axe so no weapon for a kicking little TK :)

Taekwondo using weapon??? :huh:

That's a new era!

more or less only to be able to use cards

afterwards you said helmet .. *confused* :P .. anyway something I didn't know... ^_^

... about neutral elements .. yes thats a problem .. poison is the stronger element against Neutral if I'm correct .. so having a Assasin (Cross) in the party who casts enchant Poison (not deadly) on the teak wouldn't work cuz that applies to the weapon at least on assasin, meaning 'take of the weapon = element restored' .. thats the only element I can think about ... but considering the neutral Mobs maybe a +10% dmg buff on neutral would be fair? dunno :/


a guillotine wasn't ment as a weapon for TK on my suggestion, just a LOW dmg knuckle kind of weapon, or Spikes that add on to the boots .. like wall climbing or whatever ... anyway the Guillotine is a 2-handed Axe so no weapon for a kicking little TK :)

Both his and my posts were jokes.


I think the people who take the time to make a TK Ranker should be awarded with a tk weapon. think about it i just recently made a ranker myself and the highest i hit on another player was 2k-3k not rly going anywhere with that am i?

(i did the 2-3k with str belts no fbhs though and no pvp gear)

It would be nice to atleast have a 2 or 3 slotted weapon for the tk so they have a chance to fight back and do more then just 2-3k.

...yeah the tk ranker does have triple hp and i don't really know about the extra atk power but i do know if a tk had a weapon with atleast 2 slots for cards to up there damage a bit they would be able to fight and not get pwnt around cause there hitting such little damage.

Besides if they have a weapon it would equal them out with the other classes.

i hope people can consider this and think about it before passing judgement cause tk rankers might have more hp but the atk power is still rly low /hmm


TK don't need weaponry, look at Jay for example, he does a good.. 300 damage or so.


Lol... I hinted on the sarcasm. A weapon would be a coding hell for sure. I made a suggestion earlier that may have TKs or even giving them their own special ranker armor or something would useful as well....

TK don't need weaponry, look at Jay for example, he does a good.. 300 damage or so.

But we're not Jay, man!


We've announced the work on a TK weapon a few updates ago.

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