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Crack Baby

Deals and Jerks

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Ok, small rant from me, along the same lines of Vapo's I think.


TG is a popular card! YOU are not the only one who wants one. So when I flipping broadcast that I'm selling one, you better make an offer, because I have at least 5 coming in, actual offers. If you PM me asking "are you there" I'm going to assume you are a dumb ass, because I used the broadcaster less than a minute before. Also, I'm getting actual offers, so no, I will not write you back with "yes I am there"

Don't bitch when you don't get the card, because you were a retard on the uptake. And yes, I sold it to some other guy for 25. And when I tell you this, don't call me a "fucking dumb bitch" because you "would have offered me 35" because, ha, you didn't. And do you really think I'm going to stress over 10 bullshit donation coupons? And beg you to buy my others, I don't think so.

I'm going to call you an asshole.

And what is even more lame, is when you fucking spend time tracking me down on for_fild01 to kill me. That just makes you a bigger cunt, and still not the owner of the TG.


One more thing. People, stop making cats in Forsaken City saying you are selling something, leaving the chat up all damn day because you are afk doing whatever ALL DAY. That is just really annoying. Isn't this one of the things the merchant forum is for? However, this doesn't bother me as much as the above.


End rant.


If had the same happen to be on numerous times but never had anyone go as far as to hunt me down in for_fild01. wtf.

Also, about the chat thing, it helps people sell stuff so I don't see it as a bad thing really. D:


One of the things that annoy me is when noobs come to you and say:

Noob: i buy your wings

Me: Their not for sale.

Noob: why? i buy your wings

Me: I said their not for sale.

Noob: i want buy your wings 200 million

Me: Go away >_>

Noob: fack you


"And lol, I keep getting offers for wings in zeny. NO PEOPLE D:"

Do you accept payments in racoon leafs? seaking

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