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to be honest, your all veery strange in Pictures and such, but your still kind *atleast some are* on the webs and it shouldn't matter about appearance, its what is on the inside that counts not how you look on the outside

and DONT start it again Dama, just cause you like looking "fit" doesnt mean women will jump all over you for your looks, you need a personality and a kind soul aswell,

It's alright, you're cute anyways, you look like if you could be my daughter.


Yeah, the inside counts, a lot. So does the outside. The outside really, seriously counts. There has to be a sexual connection in every relatoinship. If not, then they cannot mate and then humanity won't will end if every human just goes out with someone because they have that little ' The inside counts ' statement.

Tell me, would you date him, only because you like his personality?


I don't post a picture right now since my body is going through a crisis. Since I've been working out my muscles are just out there and feel dead, people would start the little ' Showing off ' comment again.

Edit: Heres a picture of my forearm that I took like 2 weeks ago.


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It's alright, you're cute anyways, you look like if you could be my daughter.


Yeah, the inside counts, a lot. So does the outside. The outside really, seriously counts. There has to be a sexual connection in every relatoinship. If not, then they cannot mate and then humanity won't will end if every human just goes out with someone because they have that little ' The inside counts ' statement.

Very wise and thanks for that comment Damascus... i really want to feel like you daughter >.>' seriously i do ^^

EDIT: Sorry, i had to put this here so Damascus would read it

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Welcome to fRo and enjoy your stay ^^

Tbh, you look soo cute~~~~! in that military Outfit, wear it more often and put more pics of it please =P

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Nice to meet you Pikachu !

Blaze, you wouldn't want to be my daughter. If I ever have a daughter, she's not getting a boyfriend until she's 18. I'll scare any other off and the male has to be approved as a real man in order to be with her. I'm reaaaaally picky.

bonez, don't hate how you look. You look that way for a reason and nohomo bro but, I've seen uglier, seriously. Just rock the way you look and make the best with it. I only hate it when ugly or unhealthy people try to tell others that they too deserve equal love because the inside is the only thing that counts. You, bonez, just don't hate your appearance, rock it because it's yours. On you. How you look. Make the best. Talking about appearance, this is me unaware of my sister. With my camera.


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Nice to meet you Pikachu !

Blaze, you wouldn't want to be my daughter. If I ever have a daughter, she's not getting a boyfriend until she's 18. I'll scare any other off and the male has to be approved as a real man in order to be with her. I'm reaaaaally picky.

bonez, don't hate how you look. You look that way for a reason and nohomo bro but, I've seen uglier, seriously. Just rock the way you look and make the best with it. I only hate it when ugly or unhealthy people try to tell others that they too deserve equal love because the inside is the only thing that counts. You, bonez, just don't hate your appearance, rock it because it's yours. On you. How you look. Make the best. Talking about appearance, this is me unaware of my sister. With my camera.


lol thanks Damascus :D I hope to meet you in game some time haha

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Wait...what? I really hope I am misinterpreting that. I really, really hope that I'm misinterpreting that.

:rolleyes: Hope as much as you will, but it more than likely meant to come out the way it sounds.

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wow... so many people and so much wisdom being wasted..

@ Damascus: to be honest, i wouldn't care if your picky or not, i'd find a way to get a boyfriend behind your back ^_- and if that fails ill just try the old Crying and saying " I Hate You " excuse for you to break down =P, i have my ways of making you talk

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@ Dasmascus: yes you do, every man can be broken down and NO

@ the people who got confused: yes, if you got confused by that then you ARE wasting your wisdom and should get it back by reading and less time staring at a computer screen

@ the pictures: keep em comin people! the monster must feed!

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I spend my time posting my pictures, and no one comments on them... /sob

Because they're not real? :\

@ Vapo - I'm with you chick. I don't speak Engrish either. /swt


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Because they're not real? :\

@ Vapo - I'm with you chick. I don't speak Engrish either. /swt



Edited by Zeitgeist
My eyes! The googles do nothing!
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