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@psy - I srsly thought you were like.. ._. a scrawny little white kid. NO JOKE. Then again, I think everyone on the internet is a scrawny little white kid.

@Bawls - You're hot. Have my e-children.

@Cure - I'll have to agree with everyone else, the turquoise waaaay suits you. I could never get away with it. I don't think I could handle the upkeep. >:\ Love the color though. AND the band shirts. I saw Tool live. They're crazy. Weezer scares me a little. They're too cool for me I guess.

@Damascus - It's not just your phone. I had the first Razr version when it came out and the reception was TERRIBLE. However, I ran over mine with my car ( not on purpose sadly ) but it still worked. Weird. Wasn't even scratched or smushed. Still, it was gay since IT NEVER FCKING WORKED.

@Episcopal - MOAR PINK PLZ.

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@psy - I srsly thought you were like.. ._. a scrawny little white kid. NO JOKE. Then again, I think everyone on the internet is a scrawny little white kid.

Woah no.

I'd crush the majority of the fRO players if we met IRL weaponless.

If then it comes to weaponry I'd have to go ' gangster ' and probably say ' y0 lil ni99a i`M goNNa pOp a cAp oN yO aS$ bItCh ' and call my little gangster buddies with my cell phone. Bad though, incorrect. We type like scrawny little white kids, sure. But that's because I'm not going to bother capitalizing every other letter and type like a retard ' hoodlum ' as read in my example..

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I'd crush the majority of the fRO players if we met IRL weaponless.

lol. you really think you can crush people.

how many fights have you actually had in real life and not on the forums?

just because you're slightly toned doesn't mean you're the baddest motherfucker alive.

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kuoch: You need to grow your hair out again!! Looks awesome. /ok

ehhhh, it toook soo much to take care of it, wayyy to much work D;

had to chop it off :o

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@kuochh: Grow your hair again. I'm working on it. D;

trust me, when you hit a certain point. its just gonna get in your way, and aloooooot of work.

might be hard to beleive but, it took me 7 months to grow my hair that long >.>

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No one "earns" the right to act e-tough. The only thing e-tough people "earn" is a punch in the face.

Yes they do. They earn it. e-tough r0ckz.

A punch in the face? you're the one to talk.

@CombatMuffins: I like that suit of yours. ;;

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Excuse me? Yes, I deserve a punch in the face for being someone who calls it like I see it. I didn't even imply that you acted e-tough, so Idk why you're going on the offensive. Calm down, bruv. Leave your anger for all of those people you crush irl. A girl on the forums who doesn't agree with you isn't worth it. ;]

Get that out of your head please. I rather like it when you call it like you see it, even if it's towards me. It's refreshing and nobody should be hurt AT ALL for having and holding their own opinion.


In regards to "e-peens" and acting "e-tough".. it's very easy to put on that role when you sign on to the internet, ain't it? Srsly now. We all hope to think we're so much bigger than eachother while really, in all reality, we're not. Regardless, I like who I am and I don't need to show off to justify that. I only see showing off as insecurity. Gotta keep building yourself up and up and up!! so that you don't realize how down you really are. Anyway. The internet is not a joke people. This is some srs shit.

:rolleyes: Since you can't detect sarcasm on the internet, I'll note that that was quite sarcastic.


If you don't have the ability to laugh at yourself then you really don't belong here. Or anywhere, for that matter. If this is the case then I guess you should just /wrist right now. :\ Damascus has a knife you can borrow, eh? >>; And wtf is that anyway...?

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