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Our school social. =D

Me getting ready!


Me & a friend at the social. =D


Some friends.





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Damascus , I don't cry in the middle of the class because I miss my gf LOL , another thing , remmember you said "going to report you , going to report you to genesis" "say goodbye to your GM" And what happend? hmmm I KNOW lol you aren't a GM anymore , I am :D . another thing is I got life unlike you, You tried to quit twice already , but you always come back because you have no life , and iHunt is right , who train more , has smaller dick LOL .

If you're a GM you're utterly fucking FAIL at it. Srsly, GL with this one Gen. :rolleyes:

What GM TROLLS members? Since when does ANYONE hire a TROLL to be on staff?

Not likely Gen. Aheueheh.

How about before you start trying to maintain rules, you follow them?

Power corrupts. Don't be a prime example, please.

If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.


And there's another picture so I won't hear any QQing about not being on topic.

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This is what i have to say top these Pictures /... /yawn Haha, Joking

They are all good except for the males /... and the bloody red one one

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@ Helayna ~ Are you in like.. Junior High? @@; I have never seen so many kids THAT excited to be at a school dance. Evar. Srsly. And OMG... why is the kid in the third picture wearing Michael Jackson's glove?! OMMMMG! ;-;

Intermediate actually but I guess that the same as juinor high. I know we were ALL kinda hyper. =P

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Everybody calls each other lifeless. Guess what, if YOU had a life, you wouldn't be sitting here arguing over grammar. So what if one has a bigger language variety? Does that mean the other person is stupid? Not at all.

And Jewel, your profile says you're 22. You're 22 and you call a 14 year old an idiot. Real mature.

As for the GM team, you're doing a fantastic job getting ignored by players. It just shows how much control and power does the GM team has here: none what so ever. Warn, delete flaming posts, BAN, do something other than being, like, "I told them <this> and <that>, my job's done here."

Stop ressurecting the dramas of yesterday. If you want something exreme, go bungee jumping. If you want to release your anger, go run, simple as that.

EDIT: My babies (Real ones):

This one I caught at the Ukraine vs Israel match, my favourite's player t-shirt (orgasmic):


This one I got from my ex-neighbour. I bet I could get 345748 more of those:


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Flame-wars ends now. I can't stress out my disappointment in you people. Warns added to anyone who took part in the discussion. Any further flames in this topic will result in a warn and a three day post suspension.

Topic has been cleaned from flames.

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