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Couldn't find it anywhere. He was a General for Hitler. My mom even once saw a pic of him walking with Hitler. After the war he was too ashamed to speak of it and my mom never found anything out. I only remember his last name.

@Damascus, WW2 was before the computer. So either they put it on the computer after the event, or it's hidden from public eye, or it's not there

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Just because you can't find it love, doesn't mean it isn't there. There are files on the internet with restricted access. Files such as, information logs of military generals, and other high ranking officers. Nearly, 90%+ of companies store all their information on the internet, with back-up files offline. They just restrict access to the internet files so not everyone can read them. Same goes for military records.

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But this whole thing is about what you can't find with google and wiki, or whatever other search engines are available. They might be here but we don't have access without hacking or special privileges.

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You can find it. You being a general term. If anyone can find it, it can be found on Google or Wiki. Just because certain people can't find it, doesn't mean it can't be found.

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We could, but it might end up in more warns. Thx for the warn Troch. Btw, you missed deleting one on page 110. ^_^;

Also, I figure getting warned is pointless. Seeing as only one of the two is bannable!

But anywho, I don't care much for this topic. Sooo..*leaves it*

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Just got back.

I'm tired as hell and my feet are killing me, anyways last day 2 pictures.

3's up. It's a Boston thing.


I had to carry this shit all day in the last day.


Before I went.


ACU are issued out next year, this is the last year in which we use the jungle BDU.

I had to wear the gay yellow shirt in the last day to represent Alpha Company.

P.S: This shit made me lose my voice. LAST time I lead people.



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Computers were made before WW2, just not for public usage.

Google and Wiki doesn't have everything:

How much children have AIDS right now, give an exact number not an estimate.

Include the non-visit/explorered area's and then reconsider if your info is right.

Also there is more than google and wiki, they aren't accurate, actually they only cover 20% of the info of the whole internet.

Now that I have given this info:

Stay on topic.

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