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Thanks Dama ;D

My last picture, I'm going going to steal a saying from somebody to answer it. Although it is not true, I do not get intoxicated by anything other than happiness.

I was high


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Heres one I just got the e-mail of that I sent yesterday, same time. I was looking down at the camera or w/e and not trying to look cute. Nor am I showing off.


I only had a towel on :(

&Whys it so small

Show off your hair pl0x. >:D

& I Lol'd at the suprrrman one. Yes I was stalking again. @_____@

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i find it sweet how many asains play this server. everyother server i've played there is like 12 including me. here there is like 50+

I don't understand ._. Why does everyone love asians! we're like white people with cool eyes. <3

Paradise is the hottest white girl /slur LOL <3

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AND cool black hair. I wish my hair was naturally black. When I dye my hair black it goes genga.@@

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i really dont like showing my Picture on Forums or even MSN, especially took me a while to let Yusuke see me n that i regret xD lol j/k

@Hrist, dont fap its not nice, especially over him he's ugly xD j/k

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