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Ygg Tix 3:1

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Selling Ygg Tix 3:1. Ill farm them every day and I get about 150-200 everyday.

Current Amount of Ygg Tix: 15 (Updated 8:20pm 5/12/2008)

3 Ygg tix for 1 donation coupon or one of the following deals

120 ygg tix = 1kiel

120 ygg tix= Phreeoni SOLD!

140 ygg tix= Fallen Bishop Hibram

99 ygg tix= Incan Samurai

130 ygg tix= Orc Lord

120 ygg tix= AssassinX Set

120 ygg tix=AssassinX Weapon

300 ygg tix= Str Belt

300 ygg tix= Int Belt

300 ygg tix= Dex Belt

300 ygg tix= Agi Belt

ALSO! Trading my Turtle General for your Phreeoni

Contact me with: PoisonTasteGood? or WizVampire


120 ygg tix= Phreeoni

Alright. Contact me on Celerity.

Alright. Contact me on Celerity.

Sure, what time are you on?. Im on now. Just PM WizVampire / PoisonTasteGood? when your on. Or you could just msg me on msn when your on.

And to I♥♫ Get your own topic then. Dont post it in mine. Go steal a thanatos kthx.

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