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Kool Kids Klub

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General Information

This guild was created to escape from the edrama and/or unfairness of the other guilds currently in creation or active. No one will be judged, and everyone will get a long on the basis of one ideology... "Just Relax"

So what if he/she calls you a n00b. He didnt just rape your mother with a banana, and until he/she does, relax. Racism is hilarious, if i say niggapls, I am not trying to put down your ancestors, im just being silly. Also, feel free to call the guild master whatever the hell you like. I don't believe fear is respect, respect is the ability to show comfort with one another. I will NEVER kick anyone for anything other than inactiveness, and/or actions against the guild during WoE/PVP.

You may kill guild members in PVP however. If they ask you to stop, just stop and it will be okay. If they don't ask you to stop, continue to murder them, because stop is only 4 keystrokes away.

Whats so special?

This guild is completely and utterly non-bias. Just because I(or a coleader) am a members friend does not entitle them to extra ygg tix, titles, or ANY special treatment.


1) Level 255

2) Must prove usefulness to Guild Leader or Coleader

3) Minimum Drama Record, and must not noticeably start drama within in the guild. Can you say instant and permanent kick?

WoE Information

As of this date, we are not WoE active. Because of my ability to use my brain and coordinate, as soon as the guild has 10 active WoE members. We will attempt to take a castle.

WoE Items

Theres been a lot of controversy over WoE Castle dropped items, about how people who don't deserve them get them in the larger guilds. Make no mistake, this guild will have a castle and we have come up with a solution to the problem of fairness in WoE drops.

During WoE, the guild leader ( CasioKid / Ash Ketchum ) will take down the names of all who participated. ( You must be on more than 30 minutes AND during the last 10 minutes of WoE, to be considered participating. )

The guild leader will use fraps, a program to record fullscreen video, and will upload a video of himself openning chests to youtube, every night. Then he will post this video ( once again EVERY night ) in the Guild forum under the "WoE Drops" thread to be pinned.

Then the next day, or weekly ( to be voted upon by the guild ) we will do a dice event with the participating members of the most recent WoE in where the guild leader will say the items name, and then we will do /dice when 0 fades (this is done by the guild master), and all the 6's will go to do /dice again, until it gets to the point where the highest roll of /dice wins.

The guild leader will get no special privilege, and will NOT receive first grabs on WoE items. I believe this to be the most fair way of distributing the WoE prizes, and the best way of motivating people in WoE. This system will therefor bring EQUAL opportunity to all who participate in WoE.

In addition the rare WoE drops, the Guild Leader will distribute Ygg Tix to those who are in need. SinX's and Paladins will probably receive more as their job is more ygg dependent.

Also every FULL week we hold a castle ( for 2 WoEs ) I will do an event where i will give away either 2 donation only special headgears ( eg. ash hat, Siva Wing, etc. )


Q: If someone gets an item, are they excluded from any further dice events until everyone has had an item?

A: No, however they are excluded from the dice events that occur in that same week, to give the other participants an equal chance. The list of people who may join the dice event, will depend upon who participated the most recent WoE, and who from that WoE, until now, has won already once. After each WoE the list will reset, and every participant will be eligible again.

Q: I heard something about titles?

A: Sure did, or not, this could be the first time you hear it. There are only 6 titles in which every new member will share based on their class. Then there are 4 titles given to people based upon WoE activity, and length of membership. Two will go to the Leader and the Co-Leader(s) and the rest will be given out to winners of special guild events, and/or if voted that someone deserves it by a 2/3s majority of the guild.

Q: What if i get kicked by a co leader?

A: Not possible, they will not have kick, this is to avoid people being kicked for personal reasons. A guild needs to put that stuff aside, and realize that they are now part of something bigger than themselves.

Q: If i help a friend in an enemy guild, what happens?

A: You help a friend in an enemy guild. Nothing else, as long as it isn't during WoE and in that case you will just be excluded from WoE participant events. ( Also if it was AGAINST our guild, then you will be kicked )



eww, this ngrmngnoob actually wrote a good post. <3

You should learn how to get your BG transparent. ):

You just got owned, Leni. ): Anyways, this guild seems pretty cool. I might join. :3


Someone already reported our emblem for racism.

Its not a KKK member its from ghost busters.

lol editted again.

Alright i'll go along with it, but just for the record, unless you've editted every use of the word faggot, this is an abuse of power. Just because this time you were the faggot who reported our emblem, doesn't give you the right to use your powers to remove it. I did not specifically point out who did it, but now we are all well aware of who it was, thankyou for the lulz.


Just a reminder for everyone:

This thread is strictly for recruitment only. Do not post anything irrelevant, offending, or something that may ignite a word war. Here's an idea: Don't provoke people into replying to questions and other statements that may cause them to retaliate. I will keep a fair judgment over this matter, so expect both sides to receive a fair amount of treatment. Flames and other irrelevant stuff will automatically be deleted. Let the guild recruit fairly. If you must question their ways, take it to PMs and not here.

EDIT: Some posts deleted. Actual members are entitled the right to post in this thread as long as their intentions are solely for the promotion of their guild.

Find wiwi or somebody in game to invite you (:

Or you can Find Shinada lol



I think I broke 2 out of 3 guild rules.

EDIT: To make this post not delete worthy, some obligatory promotion crap:

Kool Kids Klub is uber1337sauce, need members nao.

General Information

This guild was created to escape from the edrama and/or unfairness of the other guilds currently in creation or active. No one will be judged, and everyone will get a long on the basis of one ideology... "Just Relax"

So what if he/she calls you a n00b. He didnt just rape your mother with a banana, and until he/she does, relax. Racism is hilarious, if i say niggapls, I am not trying to put down your ancestors, im just being silly. Also, feel free to call the guild master whatever the hell you like. I don't believe fear is respect, respect is the ability to show comfort with one another. I will NEVER kick anyone for anything other than inactiveness, and/or actions against the guild during WoE/PVP.

You may kill guild members in PVP however. If they ask you to stop, just stop and it will be okay. If they don't ask you to stop, continue to murder them, because stop is only 4 keystrokes away.

Whats so special?

This guild is completely and utterly non-bias. Just because I(or a coleader) am a members friend does not entitle them to extra ygg tix, titles, or ANY special treatment.


1) Level 255

2) Must prove usefulness to Guild Leader or Coleader

3) Minimum Drama Record, and must not noticeably start drama within in the guild. Can you say instant and permanent kick?

WoE Information

As of this date, we are not WoE active. Because of my ability to use my brain and coordinate, as soon as the guild has 10 active WoE members. We will attempt to take a castle.

WoE Items

Theres been a lot of controversy over WoE Castle dropped items, about how people who don't deserve them get them in the larger guilds. Make no mistake, this guild will have a castle and we have come up with a solution to the problem of fairness in WoE drops.

During WoE, the guild leader ( CasioKid / Ash Ketchum ) will take down the names of all who participated. ( You must be on more than 30 minutes AND during the last 10 minutes of WoE, to be considered participating. )

The guild leader will use fraps, a program to record fullscreen video, and will upload a video of himself openning chests to youtube, every night. Then he will post this video ( once again EVERY night ) in the Guild forum under the "WoE Drops" thread to be pinned.

Then the next day, or weekly ( to be voted upon by the guild ) we will do a dice event with the participating members of the most recent WoE in where the guild leader will say the items name, and then we will do /dice when 0 fades (this is done by the guild master), and all the 6's will go to do /dice again, until it gets to the point where the highest roll of /dice wins.

The guild leader will get no special privilege, and will NOT receive first grabs on WoE items. I believe this to be the most fair way of distributing the WoE prizes, and the best way of motivating people in WoE. This system will therefor bring EQUAL opportunity to all who participate in WoE.

In addition the rare WoE drops, the Guild Leader will distribute Ygg Tix to those who are in need. SinX's and Paladins will probably receive more as their job is more ygg dependent.

Also every FULL week we hold a castle ( for 2 WoEs ) I will do an event where i will give away either 2 donation only special headgears ( eg. ash hat, Siva Wing, etc. )


Q: If someone gets an item, are they excluded from any further dice events until everyone has had an item?

A: No, however they are excluded from the dice events that occur in that same week, to give the other participants an equal chance. The list of people who may join the dice event, will depend upon who participated the most recent WoE, and who from that WoE, until now, has won already once. After each WoE the list will reset, and every participant will be eligible again.

Q: I heard something about titles?

A: Sure did, or not, this could be the first time you hear it. There are only 6 titles in which every new member will share based on their class. Then there are 4 titles given to people based upon WoE activity, and length of membership. Two will go to the Leader and the Co-Leader(s) and the rest will be given out to winners of special guild events, and/or if voted that someone deserves it by a 2/3s majority of the guild.

Q: What if i get kicked by a co leader?

A: Not possible, they will not have kick, this is to avoid people being kicked for personal reasons. A guild needs to put that stuff aside, and realize that they are now part of something bigger than themselves.

Q: If i help a friend in an enemy guild, what happens?

A: You help a friend in an enemy guild. Nothing else, as long as it isn't during WoE and in that case you will just be excluded from WoE participant events. ( Also if it was AGAINST our guild, then you will be kicked )


cant believe a total noob will write such a long story

i got bored be4 i even got to a quarter of the story

SOO BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think I broke 2 out of 3 guild rules.

EDIT: To make this post not delete worthy, some obligatory promotion crap:

Kool Kids Klub is uber1337sauce, need members nao.

i agree with Insane

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