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Thanatos Cards!

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At least there are ways to counter thana, other than stripping shield, gtb is god against magic classes xD

At least there are ways to counter thana, other than stripping shield, gtb is god against magic classes xD

Thank you. Someone understands!!


I cant belive that was the response by a Gm.

First of all, AT least there is skoll cards to counter Thana, and not everybody is pushing high vit, (free thana resistance)

"Tss is not ment to be a one kill Skill while Asura is"

Well thats not 100% true, if anybody of you ever played IRO a good geared champion can 1 shot most low lv trans classes, or undergeare classes not wearing protection" "HENCE THE WORD PROTECTION"

Now apply this to this,

"Everyone dual clients to Fcp themselfs, strip on a gtb" they are now immune to All magic damage a class can do.

Making Dragon warlord card, useless waste of a slot. Which Destoryes all Magic classes.

My point is, if you nerf the ablity to use thana with TSS, which has over numberous counters, even free ones VS

Doing something about GTB+FCP, like the only reason paladins on this server are unkillable is due to the god damn fcp abuse of duel clienting. And no ON IRO there is no dual clienting allowed.

So either get rid of the TSS nerf, or if your keeping the TSS nerf, do something about gtb/fcp.

You dont have to change GTB at all, just make it harder to fcp or something creative.

Thats my 2 cents, totally uncalled nerf on thana.


Thana wasn't technically "nerfed" really. It had the unwanted effect of adding 20% damage to TSS. The card was just set it back to what it was SUPPOSED to do.


Thana Card is not much of a problem, to me, Incantation samurai is as good and it coasts FAR less(overpowered card)

Both don't work for my characters so they could just vanish i wouldn't mind...

BTW; technically Thana wasn't nerfed...Champ's TSS was XD


Effect: Strong ranged Physical attack. The more defense the target has the more damage this skill will do. It never misses and uses up 1 Spirit Sphere. Damage is [ATK x (1 + SkillLV*0.75) x (Enemy Armor+Enemy VIT)/50] x Card Effect. Uses up one Spirit Sphere.

THERE IS YOUR THANATOS CARD. It's spammable! and requires only one sphere.

Only a small percentage of the population has Thanatos cards. In comparison to the size of the server, virtually no one but the OP were effected. We advertise this server as having balance and after seeing what Thanatos champs had done to PvP, we realized that what was going on was not "balance."

Here's an idea if you're so bent on using TSS champ: use Incantation Samurai card like the other TSS champs who couldn't afford Thanatos.

First of all if Champs use Investigate on Paladins, they will get the reflect back. As we all know Champs got low HP and Paladins very much. They have even over 120% reflect (the most) that means you get more reflect as you do.

Second a bunch of people already have got a Thana, just join PvP and ask around.

One more way is to Spam Palm Rush Strike, kinda same like Investigate problems. Reflect etc.

This is why it's not useful. And you can't spam (Investigate) like TSS.

And yes Thanatos will get a new boost on champs. I think then we are consent.

if you've never really played a champion don't give insight on this.

Hey look, it's Pete!

Anyways on the TSS nerf, I don't think it's that bad. I mean, I wasn't the best champ around and I could pop 15k on people not wearing shields with Incant TSS. So that's about 6k~7k damage with a shield on, and it's 5 hits each skill use. So that's about 30k~35k each skill use. Now spam it. The only problem that there might be with that is Paladins since they're rigged up the a-hole.


Champs Vs All classes. Champs can destroy pretty much any class EXCEPT Paladin and Lord Knight, with TSS.

Professor/High Wizard Vs All classes. There are only TWO classes that a High Wizard/Prof can own almost 100% of the time. The only reason for that is because they can NOT equip a shield and still attack. Those classes? Gunslinger and Sniper. That's all. Any other class? Slap on one item and its game over for both Prof and High Wiz. Strip shield you say? Not possible when your opponents all FCP before entering PvP room or WoE.

To summarize. Champs now have a bigger problem with 2 classes, big deal. Profs/High Wiz have had a problem with all EXCEPT 2 classes, and yet they still manage to function and be played. My point? Get over your stupid Thana shit. Now you have to play better, yay?

if you've never really played a champion don't give insight on this.

& you're sure I didn't, right?

Champs Vs All classes. Champs can destroy pretty much any class EXCEPT Paladin and Lord Knight, with TSS.

Professor/High Wizard Vs All classes. There are only TWO classes that a High Wizard/Prof can own almost 100% of the time. The only reason for that is because they can NOT equip a shield and still attack. Those classes? Gunslinger and Sniper. That's all. Any other class? Slap on one item and its game over for both Prof and High Wiz. Strip shield you say? Not possible when your opponents all FCP before entering PvP room or WoE.

To summarize. Champs now have a bigger problem with 2 classes, big deal. Profs/High Wiz have had a problem with all EXCEPT 2 classes, and yet they still manage to function and be played. My point? Get over your stupid Thana shit. Now you have to play better, yay?

This is about champs though, so I don't see why you guys are talkin' bout High Wiz and Prof.

This is about champs though, so I don't see why you guys are talkin' bout High Wiz and Prof.

the topic is about thana cards in general ya but u guys changed it


I'm talking about Prof and High Wiz because those classes have had a much larger disadvantage since the MVP card was created, YEARS ago. Now Champions are no longer all powerful, and everyone is up in arms and bitching about it. They need to, imho, man up and find ways to play better and around it. If the Profs and High Wiz can get around a card that nulls all of their attacks, then the Champs of the server should be able to get around a small damage reduction.


What basically needs to happen is less QQ more pewpew.

Eregon is simply comparing how undermined mage class is because of a single mvp card, whereas champions are still able to effectively counter every class in the game.

It truly is saddening and embarrassing, when players complain about something like this. Meanwhile a professor or High Wizard who tries to pvp is ridiculed if he loses, all because other players think it's so cool to slap on gtb.

The problem is players are afraid of magic classes, and who can blame them. If you fight a competent professor without GTB God help you. But that does not give you any kind of room to say that this Thanatos fix is bad. TSS was never meant to be a one hit kill, and so your ability to do so was removed.

I understand many of you bought the card just for TSS, and are angry because you spent thousands of coupons. But the decision was made, Thanatos was never meant to be this powerful to begin with, and we all need to move on. Besides, there is a new economy for Ice Picks now.

The problem is players are afraid of magic classes, and who can blame them. If you fight a competent professor without GTB God help you.

maya + your own damage> prof


And how many people do Maya combo instead of GTB? Maya only deflects 50% so it still gives magic casters a chance. Sure most of the time they lose but at least it's a chance to do damage. GTB makes it all miss, no chance for damage, do not pass go, do not collect your shit. You just get facial owned when people use GTB. I've nearly killed a couple when they used Maya, because I could berry enough to compensate for my own damage. I lost but I had the chance to win. That's what GTB takes away.

Besides, there is a new economy for Ice Picks now.

Lolice picks are fail. 1 slot max and here are the choices :

1. Slot it with Phreeoni and risk getting it constantly broken by WS.

2. Slot it with Valk Rand and have to double dagger all the time.

3. Burn FCP pots.


People burn FCP pots as it is, so that isn't really a choice. And that just means that another of the super power classes is knocked down a notch and can be more easily contested by other classes.

& you're sure I didn't, right?

not a notably good one ;) the only ones you guys complain about are the good champions and that list is small under 6


Athena and Eragon are 100% right. After all, Asura still is the strongest skill of the game and it is at your disposal Champs.

"i can't one-shot people anymore with my TSS boohoo! And i spent so much in my Thana card!"

Don't like the card anymore...sell it, and get your coupons back. You can't one shot people anymore with TSS? Spam it, i've seem many good(lame) champs that didn't have Thana(the major part) and they still win pretty easy.

i've played champ, never had a thana and they are an excellent class.

the only ones you guys complain about are the good champions and that list is small under 6

That's just plain wrong. I'll fight any champ. At any time. Good or not. The thing was just the thana. Making the worst noob a b*tch to kill.

If 'people' can't play a class, without having absolutely overpowered damage, then don't play it.


People play overpowered class everytime, lets admit it. If that class gets nerfed, they move on to another one. Oh and Paladins fall flat vs Merchant classes so its not so rigged anymore. As if Assassin Crosses weren't overpowered enough. Anyone below 300k HP gets dropped by Sonic Blow in one go. Buffed Asura can take out anyone below 300k HP characters as well. You see, the Thana nerf on champs is not so "gay" at all as people would claim. Some classes are just fortunate to have a killer skill. Some are even more fortunate to get two killer skills.

My piece of advice to everyone: If you see a paladin, get killed first on your current character (sinx, champ), then come back as a Whitesmith while they're expecting you to come back on your previous character.


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