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Laydee Caution

Laydee Candice ish going

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Dear Fro commmunity,

on a sad not i am leaving Fro, but ill still keep my account might return in a few months or so if i feel like it,

i am leaving because of certain childish kids because they aint on the same wave length as me

Jordan i will miss you x and i still love you /cry /cry /kis2

Laiger i will miss you 2







and theres so much more, it was actully fun bein on the server

but the real reason im leaving is because of AznPally/ sinx what ever he calls him self. :axehead:

And Azn if u do read this you can hate me as much as u want because u will never find someone as cute as me, and your childish behaviour, u can only hate someone if u know them well not if u know nothing about them, just the char name and who they hang around with.

Anywayz love you all and good bye /cry

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