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Der Fuhrer

Der FUhrer Is Here!

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Thats right, I am!! Its been forever since I played RO and I can't wait to get back into the swing of things. Will be looking for a guild to join once i'm a high enough level (or just might start one myself) if you know of one that needs a good player let me know...i'll probably join :D


lol...sorry to disappoint, friend

but my philosophy is...arguing online is like winning the special olympics

at the end of the day your still an effin retard :P

lol...sorry to disappoint, friend

but my philosophy is...arguing online is like winning the special olympics

at the end of the day your still an effin retard :P

yay, you're not so bad after all.


lol...i dont think i'm that bad...i just have a sick twisted since of humor...and love pissing people off >_> (hince the display name and picture lol)


Welcome to teh server... I too also enjoy pissing people off. /gg


"Raw Raw Fight the Powah!!"

Welcome to the server Fuhrer. May your nation grow to be the most powerful! Heil Fuhrer!


Quite tempting actually, tehhthethehtehtehtehtehthethethehtehtehthethehtehtehthethehthtT



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