Kusanagi Posted November 23, 2008 Report Posted November 23, 2008 Alright first of All...I will go a ton slower than before... its obvious I dont feel good by doing this again >.> Basics of Ragnarok Online Ragnarok online is a simple (not so much) MMORPG with a few basics you should know. Things you are going to do: Lvl up Quest for Items Hunt Monsters (mvps included) PvP (aka: player vs Player) Mess arround with friends (do it or else) Now in order to do this, you need to know basic stuff Commands Commands are usefull scripts you can use for diferent situations, they activate by writing them and then just input it like you were talking to someone, here is a small list. @time (shows server time, 6am and 6pm makes server go night or day mode) @warp map name (teleports you to the map you selected) @autoloot 1-100 (works in percentages) @storage (opens kafra storage in any place) @ali item name (pick up the item you selected and ignores other's) @autolootitem Item ID number (sames as ali but uses the ID in case there are 2 items with equal names) @whereis monster name (show spawn locations for selected monster) @mi monster name (shows information about selected mob) @whodrops Item name (show list of monster's who drops the item) @autotrade (when using a shop, closes your conection to server to let your shop stay open) @changegm name of character (changes guild leader, both characters must be on) @changeleader name of character (change party leader) /bm (activates battle mode) /nc (activate auto atack on single click /ns (Allow skill and atack aim on normally not recomended targets [party members,etc] also allows to heal monsters) /effect (turn off skill and field effects, you can be inside a storm gust and not notice =D) Quote @ali item number works too, you don't hafta spell autolootitem to get the same effect... @ali 607 aoutoloots yggs just fine ^^ . Just thought the more lazy among the masses should know ^^ what he said Not active commands: these commands are not working on forsaken ragnarok online but its good you know @who @mobsearch (shows exact location of monsters if there is any on the map) Use this comands wisely. Economy and Local Coin There are diferent resourses for money and stuff, If we go to the basic we can divide them into 2 main classes. Zenny In theory the oficial "money" of Ragnarok online, but no longer a reliable source of earnings unless you get them by billions. How to get it: Selling Items dropped by monster found in diferent fields and dungeons here is a list of items you might want to get for zenny farming: Stone of Sage. [thanatos tower 8,9,10,11,12] Treasure Boxes. [Abbys03] *For now It seems like GMs haev changed its drop to 0.01% to make harder the castle drops* Diamonds (2 and 3 carats)[Pyramids lvl 4/moc_pryd04] That just my recomendation, you can sell any item you get so long as you dont need it for quests or as equipment. Trades Items who have a certain Economy value belong to this class. Forsaken RO is a highrate so most Lvl 1-3 Equipments are easy to get and usually dont have a comercial value because no one will buy them. If you need a basic equip or resource you might want to check the store located at @warp fcity 35 170, you just need to go 1 warp ahead and there's the general Store. now lets go to those who HAVE a comercial value Donation cupons Only obtainable through donation, but you can buy them by working hard in game. Event Cupons You can get them through events hosted by the GM's, any event you win have a prize of 5-7 cupons. Vote Cupons vote at fosaken-ro.net/voting to get them, this cupons cant be traded but they are worth to notice because of the exclusive items you can get. Other Stuff Several other Items have some comercial value acording to its usefullness Current Value this part will be updated as soon as there are critical changes in Prizes Donation cupons: 1= 30m-35m zenny Event Cupons: 1= 2 Donation cupons *2=3* Forsaken New years Hat: *Currently Nerfed and thus it haves no comercial Value* Forsaken Elite Set's: 30-40 Donation cupons *without weapons* Forsaken Elite weapons: 15-65 Donation cupons *changes depending on classes* "+15 stat Headgear": *Acording to side effects price changes betwen 4-10* Forsaken Dungeon Pass: 75-100 (as a recomendation do not sell if you have one) Forsaken King Pieces: 85-99 each at +0 Mvp cards Quote Atroce: 1-5 Amon Ra: 1- 5 Assassin Cross: 25-40 Bascojin: 35-45 Baphomet: 1-10 Beelzebub: 10-40 Dark Lord: 20-25 Detale: 3-10 Deviling: 5-10 Doppelganger: 20-30 Dracula: 7-15 Dragoon Warlord: 5-10 Dragoon Wizard: 7-13 Drake: *1-5* Entweihen Crothen': found at floor #100 in the endless tower, currently have no drops Evil Snake Lord: 1-10 Fallen Bishop Hibram: 38-55 Garm: 10-20 Gloom Under Night: 45-50 Golden Thief Bug: 20-30 High Priest: 10-25 High Wizard: 10-25 Ifrit: 5 -15 Incantation samurai: 20-35 Kiel: 35-40 Ktullanux: *Acording to seller* Lady Tanee: 25 - 35 Lord Knight: 30 - 40 Lord of Death: 10-25 Maya: 5-10 Mistress: 5-15 Moonlight Flower Cat: 20-30 Naght Seiger: This guy is found at the top of the Endless Tower however It doesnt have any drops. Orc Hero: 12-20 Orc Lord: 25-30 Osiris: 20-40 Pharaoh: 5-15 Bring it on!: *Not found on any map* RSX: 10-20 Satan Morroc: *no card* Sniper Shecil: 15-40 Stormy Knight: 15-17 Skoll: 8-15 Tao Gunka: 30 -45 Thanatos Phantom: 4000-???? Valkyrie Rangdris: 25-40 Vesper: 15-25 Whitesmith: 35-50 Ygnizem Ceniar: 5-10 Just because they are in quote tags doesnt mean I took it from other place, I wrote it whole T_T. If you have a Forsaken dungeon pass dont sell it, you will get more money by selling yggdrasil berrys than what you would get by selling the pass. Way's to get money About Mvps, will be explained later as for now the other 2 ways. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First is by getting zenny and buying them at the current trade value of 25-30m zenny. You can sell absolutely anything you dont need that is worth something for that: armors,swords,loot. although I woulnt recomend Armors whenever you want to stay in a single place for long since they are heavy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yggdrasil tickets Everyone, and I really mean it, EVERYONE uses berrys in this server, so if you get this berrys in bulks you will get lots of advantages whenever someone want's to buy them. First you have to hun the berrys, If you have the Forsaken dungeon pass you will have the advantage because you can get 100+ in 2 minutes, If you dont, you will have to stay in For_fild02 then... you have to Turn the berrys into tickets (berrys alone are too heavy to be carried on bulks). to turn them into tickets go check the npc located at: fcity 85 151 EDP tickets There are only 2 ways to get this.. 1- Killing Eremes guile at lhz_dun03 2- using the "create poison bottle" skill, that can be used by the Assassin Cross class, everything about it is explained in the skill. Questions and Sugestions are accepted for this part of the guide, if Im missing something tell me and I will add it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way to the Top Remember to always play for fun and not to fill your way ^^, ok here we go. Something we all have to go throgh as a first step is Level up. Lvling Experience is obtained by killing monsters, the stronger the monsters you kill, the more experience you get. To make it easy and quick for you, here are the places you should lvl at the corresponding lvls Lvl 1-40 New_zone03 [porings,lunatics,etc] Lvl 40-60 ein_fild07~pay_dun00/01 [metallings,poporings,skeletons] Lvl 60- 75 alde_dun04 [bathorys] Lvl 75 - 111 Nif_fild02 [ Loli Ruris/gibbets/bloody murderers] Lvl 111- 170 For_fild05/06 [foxes/lolitails and small fry's] Lvl 170 - 200~255* Tha_t08/09/10/11 Lvl 200 - 230 thor_v03 [kasas/salamander (beware of reflect shield)] Lvl 230 - 255 lhz_dun03 [whatever in there] Now you may notice the 200~255, the reason is because you can lvl up the whole way to 255 at a small diference of time but making good earnings in zenny while lvlings (My records is 80m from 150 to 255), and well thats it. Gears Not too many people can afford expensive equipments from the start so If you cant, just get the ones that may suit to your class, the general store should be helping you a lot but keep in mind other options like semi rare drops and quest equipments. Quest Headgears Theyre locate in the room thats next to @warp fcity 140 132 Semi Rare drops Theyre not that easy to get but theyre not hard thats why I call them like that, for example Tidal Set Tidal Boots [1] Wool Scarf [1] not the greatest thing in the world but should do it if you dont have anything at all. Valkyrie Set Valkyrie Helm [1] Valkyrie Mateau [1] Valkyrie Armor [1] Valkyrie Shoes [1] *Valkyrie Shield [1] Valkyrie Shield is not included in the set so you can use it anyway under other circumstances, also the Valkyrie Manteau is extremely usefull because it reflects 25% damage when it is at +10 [Merchant/Swordman/Thief class] Orleans Set Orleans Robe [1] (non interuptable cast) Orleans Plate [1] Orleans Glove [1] This set is particulary for casters, so they arent that good on other classes (exept for sniper using only the gloves) There are other equips worth mentioning but maybe I should leave them for you to guess ;) MVP HUNTING Basics Mvps are like any monster with the litle diference of a few hundred's of millions in HP, and a few thousand dozens of atack ^^, they have diferent aspects and strategies that can be exploited at the moment of fighting one. Most of those things are shared among the mvps but there are others that are exclusive to a few mvps so for now lets review all of em... [aah, imma get coffee >.<] Elements Everything In Ragnarok online have an element (Even some npc-monsters), you have to memorize every element along with its own weaknesses and advantages... Its not actually hard, you just need to find it a logic you can understand. Here is a small weakness list Fire - Weak to Water [100% extra damage] Water - Weak to Wind [100% extra damage] Wind - Weak to Earth [100% extra damage] Earth - Weak to Fire [100% extra damage] Holy - Weak to Shadow [100% extra damage] Shadow - Weak to Holy [100% extra damage] Undead - Extremely weak to Holy [125% extra damage + coma chance] Neutral - Weak to Poison*Inmune to Ghost* [25% extra damage, poison status chance] Ghost - Weak to Ghost*Inmune to Neutral [100% extra damage] This list is the basic, it get's a bit more complex when you include the lvl of the element and the resistance certain monsters and people have, also remember Ghost property is only inmune to neutral at lvl 4 (Ghostring card is lvl 3), same for Neutral being immune to Ghost. Now, all incoming atack's from monsters are Neutral property unless they are using skills (like Shadow atack). That goes for elements.... Race The Race is not something that important but it helps to know about it, all Monsters have a Race, even people (they're considered as Demi human race), Mvp's have a Race too, you can check it through the @mi command, if you know the race you can use cards to increase damage on them or reduce damage recieved from them. As for pvp you will see that people use Demi-human Reductions, wich make's them recieve much less damage from other people. Just so you know the game wont ever let you 100% demi human reduction (there are not even enough equips for it) Forsaken Shield + Usakoring card = 55% Reduction from Demi humans Combat Knife = 10% reductions from Demi humans Poring tower/beret= 10% reductions from Demi humans Sacred Golden Wings= 10% reduction from all incoming damage you could say thats "75% reductions without sacred golden" but its not quite... it actually its reduced gradually, lets say you put a forsaken shield + usakoring and then place a combat knife. Lets take as the normal damage you receive the number 100 100-55% = 45 damage ------------------------------------- 45 - 10% = 30.5 damage ------------------------------------- 40.5 damage - 10% = 37.45 damage The diference may not be that great but you should be able to notice it whenever you think you have 100% reductions against demi humans Now as for Sacred golden wings...I dont know... I havent tested because I dont have them >.<, but in theory they do not cont as the same class reduction so they actually work in the first calculation like: 100- 55% = 45 + - 100- 10%= 10 __ 35 -------------------------- 35- 10%= 31.5 -------------------------- 31.5- 10%= 28.35 MVP characteristics You probably know that some mvps are easy as hell to kill and others are more that a pain to even survive, well thats because they all have diferent stats and strategies, so you will have to do diferent things acording to the mvp your facing. Anyway, any mvp hunter have to stay on the standards of mvping (pvp equipments suck on mvp's). Alright here goes a list of things you have to keep on mind: Mvp's are Inmune to all status effects and pushback skills. Mvp's Have extremly high defense but neither thanatos or Incan will work on them so your best choice is Critical rate. (provoke and Mind Breaker works on them as far as I know). Most Mvp's doesnt have a defined range of atack so they can be 4 cells away and still hit you. Traps Work on Mvp's but they work for very little time so they are just good to give you an opening whenever they are too close. Unlinke on Pvp, DEF is extremely good and can turn Life trashing damage into a more acceptable damage, so If you have a lot of DEF and your not going to pvp you will be fine (arround 25 people have thana so its not likely you will find anyone outside pvp ladder and pvp common zone's). Certain Mvp's are said to be imposible to crit but thats not true, they just have a high luck resistance (actually only Assasin Cross Class on katar build could do the job). Mvp's can use skills that belong to other classes and a few exclusive ones (also they have over lvl skill's like Lvl 12 Soul Breaker). Alright now im talking about Skills. Mvps Cast skills that no one else can, and thus you need to know how to counter them. Equipment Crush [breaks a part of your equipment] People can break armor and weapons when pvping but mvp's have exclusive breakings like helmet and shield so dont think having indestructible armors and weapons fix the problem =/, Full chemical protection will block all related skills to this Including Full Strip =) Pneuma & Safety wall first of all keep in mind that they cant be casted on the same cell so whenever they have a safety wall on they're cell means theyre vulnerable to the oposite type of atack (ranged or close), but in case you cant use diferent types you can cast a magnetic earth and nulify them (although some mvps can partially break magnetic earth =/), or... move them from the cell... Shield Reflect you can easily die if you asura at an mvp with this... always keep an eye for the moment they activate it when fighting mvps that can use shield reflect, whenever they use it dispell them (profesor skill or Valk rangdris card), usually mvps dont re-cast it until the skill would have normally wore off so dont worry about constantly dispelling. The Berserker Style I called it like this because of the way it looks, Mvp's change theyre atack pattenr after they have reached a " below x% HP", aslo they get a huge power boost, theres just no way to avoid this in the mvps that does it, all you can do is either spam berrys or have a paladin using devotion on you, also If you want go champ and asura then die... and the cycle goes on. Element Change Some MvP's have the anoying ability to change the element they are on, usually they change to the oposite element that they were originally using, however some can change to any element at ramdom (Actually I just know one and that is the Sniper Shecil), here is a small list of the mosnters I can remember can change elements Thanatos: when hp reach 100m (40%) it changes to Holy property [hes vulnerable to Asure in this state] Evil Snake Lord: when hp lower that 40% changes to Ghost Property Whitesmith Howard: *Cannot determine the pattern...* He will change to diferent elements exept for the Ghost property --------------------------------------------------- *More to be added soon* --------------------------------------------------- Jobs/Classes Talking about long topics..... Oh well To make it easier I decided making the Classes Section divided Into first Explaining the Class it self and then moving on to pvp, equipments and relatives.... now, someone bring me a Cup of Cofee this will take time >.> Classes This is the first Step you take to play ragnarok unless you wanna stay on your beloved Novice hunting poring cards! :P Each Class have its advantages and disadvantages, some of them are made for battle other for support and other a mixtures to give some more options. keep in mind, THERE IS NO "BEST" CLASS, there are just "more convinient" classes, my recomendation is that you follow the one that you feel suits better to you. Alright First I will list the Class In the order they will be explained as well as the advanced forms directly: 1- Swordman 2- Thief 3- Acolyte 4- Merchant 5- Archer 6- Mage 7- Gunslinger 8- Ninja 9- Taekwon 10- Super Novice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-Swordman- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you are a Kenpatchi type and like getting stabed and making it seem like they scratched you this is your class =). Lord Knight In the swordman branch this class would be the one that like to deal the hits more than to recieve them (duh.. who likes to be hit to death for serious? xD), Lord Knights have one of the highest HP modifiers among the classes so they usually have more HP than other players (excluding paladins), however most of the Lord Knight skill's are battle-made... oh well check them yourself. [sKILLS] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [bash] Deals 400% of your normal damage into one enemy with 50 extra HIT + 25% chance of stuning the enemy with [Fatal Blow], until you get more advanced skills try to stay with this one. [Magnum Break] Fire elemental atack that deals 300% your Atack(it also adds 100+ Hit during the time of this atack), pushes the enemy 2 cells away, and gives you an extra 20% damage with the fire elemental property for 10 seconds *not sure If you will understand me but this extra 20% damage can go through flee but not through perfect dodge and it counts to all of your skills not only your normal atacks* [bowling Bash] The strongest atack in the Swordman Branch, deals atack 500% x 2 wich you could say its 1000% power, it also does splashed damage on the second hit like playing bowls the player you knocked back will damage everything it contacts while pushed, this will be your best atack and probably one you will want to stay with. [Pierce] Can only Be used with a Spear unlike the other atacks wich are available on any weapon, it deals 200% damage and deals more hits depending on the size of the enemy, It also add 50 hit to the atack. [spear Stab] Deals 500% atack with 1 cel splash and knockback the enemy 6 cells away (well its 1 cell better that Bowling o_o) [spear Bomerang] One of the 2 Ranged atacks you will have in the Lord Knight class, it can hit from 11 cells away with 350% atack, always keep this one on your hotkeys if you are a Spear Lord Knight [spiral Pierce] It may not have too much relevance to some people but to me its usefull, the formula its rather complex and the damage its not what the introduction says "350% x 5 hits", the atack isnt either 350% exactly since the formula chages the way damage is calculated normally, however the usefull thing about Spiral Pierce is that It can lock the enemy in the ground for 3 seconds, wich means if you alternate bowling bash with Spiral pierce you can have an enemy stand still far from you making for them imposible to touch you [Traumatic blow] Decent damage + bleeding = rocks [Joint Beat] Alright here comes the part where you become bloody almighty xP, Joint Beat damage sucks but the side effects are deadly, and they keep stacking with the more atacks, you can even make you enemy move as if they were wearing slow potions once you have used it enough times... you can check the skill for the extra other status. Concentration you gotta have this one.... always keep it activated.... Blade aura Its not a complete need so... activate it once in a while but keep in mind that concentration is more important. Auto-bersek Rly good but still I would call it a last resourse since you will only get the extra power once you are in critical state. other skills to be added soon. ________________________________________________________________ EQUIPMENT To be continued
Avalon Posted November 23, 2008 Report Posted November 23, 2008 Maybe I could help, since you obviously don't want to do this because you obviously said you obviously don't want to do this xD. If you want, I could surf the forums and maybe get some info on... stuff.
Kusanagi Posted November 23, 2008 Author Report Posted November 23, 2008 nah dont worry xD, I said that because I already did it and it was like 10 pages long not counting the html script and It would take me like 4 hours to write it completely again
xain Posted November 23, 2008 Report Posted November 23, 2008 @ali item number works too, you don't hafta spell autolootitem to get the same effect... @ali 607 aoutoloots yggs just fine ^^ . Just thought the more lazy among the masses should know ^^
Avalon Posted November 23, 2008 Report Posted November 23, 2008 Kusanagi said: nah dont worry xD, I said that because I already did it and it was like 10 pages long not counting the html script and It would take me like 4 hours to write it completely again That's why I said I wanted to help. I saw that your last guide got wiped and I was like "Wow, that has to suck." xD You should also include the commands to make and break a guild. People usually ask questions about that.
Avalon Posted November 24, 2008 Report Posted November 24, 2008 A good method of making zeny is to kill Foxes at for_fild03 and autolootitem 2344 (Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano). That sells for about 68k (about 90k with Overcharge) to an NPC. You should also put down what items would be best to get for donation coupons, like Yggdrasil Berries, Glistening Coats, etc. Just a few suggestions to try to help. Great job by the way. This will probably be one of the most useful guides out there once you finish.
» Pat Posted November 24, 2008 Report Posted November 24, 2008 Very nice guide! :D -moved to correct section-
Impulse Posted November 25, 2008 Report Posted November 25, 2008 you can also @ali treasure box, which sells for 150k without overcharge, in abyss_03 dropped by gold acidus.
The Black Santa Posted November 25, 2008 Report Posted November 25, 2008 I bet it would help new people to know about ygg tix and edp tix, and trading them for Dqpons :ohmy:
Avalon Posted November 25, 2008 Report Posted November 25, 2008 Aren't Treasure Boxes only a 0.01% drop now? I tried collecting them once, but I found that out.
Kusanagi Posted November 25, 2008 Author Report Posted November 25, 2008 alright I updated that and the posible reason
Ethereal Posted November 27, 2008 Report Posted November 27, 2008 Very nice guide. I would also like to mention that if you used any sources, I would highly suggest you reference your sources.
Kusanagi Posted November 27, 2008 Author Report Posted November 27, 2008 Quote Very nice guide. I would also like to mention that if you used any sources, I would highly suggest you reference your sources. Nope, up to now its been all wrote by me based on what I know about RO. Quote Some cards aren't priced right. I priced them as minimun and maximun price you will find =/, tell me wich ones are wrong and ill correct them =) Here goes a little update (check the guild in a few minutes xD) .
Avalon Posted November 27, 2008 Report Posted November 27, 2008 Are you sure your calculations are correct? I'm pretty sure (not definitely sure) that reductions of the same type stack (like Thara Frog + Beret, both Demihuman reductions, make 40% Demihuman reduction), but different types of reductions don't. I may just be thinking of only a Ghostring card, but my information is very outdated xD. Maybe I'll try to test this.
SkullPanda Posted November 28, 2008 Report Posted November 28, 2008 Very nice guide! :O But you forgot to list a popular card, Phreeoni.
wiwi Posted November 28, 2008 Report Posted November 28, 2008 no offence bro..this guide is good but the font ISNT! IT'S SO HARD TO READ!!!
Ryoji Posted November 28, 2008 Report Posted November 28, 2008 I think the readability is just fine, however maybe the grey and black text could be reversed. For slightly more legibility. Though, nice guide. Lol. I suppose. Also, switch your serifs/san serifs. You're slaughtering the text with that specific font.
DeAmascus Posted November 28, 2008 Report Posted November 28, 2008 =O very nice gide -topics in her favorites-
Kusanagi Posted November 28, 2008 Author Report Posted November 28, 2008 alright alright post wich font would be apropiate and ill modify the guide
SkullPanda Posted November 28, 2008 Report Posted November 28, 2008 Something I'd like to correct. I'm almost certain Ghostring makes your armor Lv.1 Ghost. All cards that change your armor to an Element only makes it Lv.1 Element. Because if Ghostring were Lv.3, it would have been immune to Neutral, only Lv.1 and 2 take 25% dmg from Neutral. Another example would be Angeling, if it were Lv.2 Holy or above, it would have made you absorb Holy attacks. It just makes them miss [with the exceptions of some skills]. Got my sources from here, it might help your guide a bit. You might also want to add the Status Effects, I think that'll help too :3 Last tidbit from me: Refining When you successfully upgrade, you gain following effects: * Weapons o Weapon Lv. 1 - Every +1 upgrade gives +2 ATK (+3 ATK for every overupgrade). o Weapon Lv. 2 - Every +1 upgrade gives +3 ATK (+5 ATK for every overupgrade). o Weapon Lv. 3 - Every +1 upgrade gives +5 ATK (+7 ATK for every overupgrade). o Weapon Lv. 4 - Every +1 upgrade gives +7 ATK (+13(?) ATK for every overupgrade). * Armors o Every +1 upgrade gives +1 (it's actually only 2/3) Equipment DEF (not VIT DEF). This is to all you people who fear the big bad Thana card. Got from the same source. Hope that helped :]
Kusanagi Posted November 29, 2008 Author Report Posted November 29, 2008 Um thx =D, but remember that this is a custom server, gr was modified to do -80% reduction wich is lvl 2 or 3 (or well it used to be as far as I can remember). thx about the refining ill add it once I get there =) Little update. Sry for not updating the guide in so long but Ive been sorta busy =(. small prices update and mvp skills
Icarus Posted January 17, 2009 Report Posted January 17, 2009 How long did it took you to make this thread? O.O