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The Black Santa

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

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Anyone here even heard of the most EPIC anime ever? Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann lmfao. been about a year since it came out but i dunno if it even got popular in america so.


'Nuff said. /gg

I dont get it.. O_O

You'd have to watch the show to get what the animation means, but I'll explain it.

The Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is a huge gundam that at it's true form is larger than the universe it is in. The animation is showing how big it is. I don't really know all the basics of the show because I've only seen my brother watch it. All I know about is the GIGA DRILL BREEEEAKEEEEEEEER!!


You could say it's an inside joke for those who've watched Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. I'm pretty sure that Tengen Toppa means Galaxy sized heaven-shattering or something along those lines. Well, most of the anime revolves around the fact that you can overcome anything, even things that don't make sense, if you have enough will and if you have awesome enough sunglasses.

Here's a good site to learn a lot about it.

Anyway, back to rewatching it *_*.


The glasses playing the key role here. Also, anyone who has not yet reached the point of which I am speaking, will cry. Manly tears if you're a man, and womanly tears if you're a woman. You will know of what I speak when you reach it.


;D Tengen Toppa's "Libera me from Hell" was Epic. Who knew opera and rap can sound so good o.o.

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