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No offence... but I am totally against this topic.

No offence... but I am totally against this topic.

I am too.

Ilu sammie but this topic is kinda.. ehh. :sad01_anim:

I was close to suicide few weeks ago T_T

What happened?

Haha, me and my friends used to grab his brother's bebe guns and run around and play "tag". Luckily, we were young back then and we sucked at aiming. His brother found out and always left is room locked and hid the guns. xD


Jump off the train tracks of the closest subway. Go hang urself. Go Emo. Go inject urself with syringes full o that super powerful tranquilizing stuff


This topic is retarded. If you're at the breaking point and are going to attempt suicide you should ask for the most EFFECTIVE way, not the most original way. If you're just crying for some attention, well *hands him/her/it a bag of attention.*

Good luck.


Hollow out your chest with a large spoon.


Get all drugged up, get naked, gain about 300 pounds roughly and never shower, and go to the president election (to late) and jump out of a plane into a crowd of people.


turn around and face the wall, and let your bestfriend stab you in the back.

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