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Biscuit's Sale.

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Intelligence Belt [x2] Sold to Wizard Mae

Dragoon Warlord Sold to Chixxer [i think...]

Valkyrie Randgris Sold to Chixxer [i think...]

Lady Tanee Sold to -FisToFGoD-

Elite Paladin 1-H Spear Traded with [ B ] l a c k [ S ] m i t h

Elite Paladin 1-H Sword Traded with [ B ] l a c k [ S ] m i t h

Elite Paladin Set Traded with [ B ] l a c k [ S ] m i t h

NYH+10 Traded with iScreamx

Ice Pick Traded with Ares

WS Axe Sold to [Tyrone]

Amon Ra Card

Elite Assassin Cross Dagger Sold to Pew Pew Boom

Elite Assassin Cross Dagger Sold to Pew Pew Boom

Elite Assassin Cross Dagger Sold to Ero [forgot]

Black Butterfly Wings Traded with [forgot]


Elite Forsaken Assassin Cross Dagger Traded with [ B ] l a c k [ S ] m i t h

FBH Bought from Millykins

Elite WS Axe Bought from Impulse whitesmith

Elite GS Pistol Traded with Ares

Elite Clown Guitar Bought from - Epic Destroyer -

Assassin Cross Card Traded with "Nyuh" [something like that]

Dracula Card Bought from [forgot]

Elite Clown Guitar Bought from `best seller`

Whitesmith Card Bought from [forgot]

Current coupons: 65

Updated my list once more. Looking to buy just 1 thing since I keep switching classes. Take a look and you can PM/post/or find my in-game as Execute.


Oh, yes. Guys, you can leave your IGN's. So, it can be easier for me to contact if your on in-game.

Also, Aso and renzy, would you guys like to trade any items for the items I have for sale? :3


Added NYH+0, NYH+10, Full Paladin Set, 1-H Paladin Sword to selling list.

Added Elite Clown Guitar to buying list.

Sold 2x Intelligence belts to Wizard Mae.

Still looking to sell for coupons or trade for my buying list.


Looking to sell two Dex Belts, after tomorrow's woe.

i'll be on Rorek tomorrow mostly

If that doesn't work try ~Legend or ~Andromeda

How much will you pay for them btw?

Guys, seriously. I only have 60 coupons at the current moment. You can trade for anything I have up there. Or, you might have to wait till I sell some of my stuff. But, look for thing's you might want to trade for.

RESURRECTION. Yes, I'm selling/buying/trading items once again. What, I'm looking for this time is to trade my Assassin Cross dagger for either Clown guitar or a Sniper bow. So, which ever one comes up first, I'm looking mostly for the Clown guitar.

I'm mostly on Execute, so PM or post. :DD


Updated buying/selling/trading list. Thank you people for buying my items. ^^

I'm willing to sell the black butterfly wings for 60. So, PM or post or find me in-game as Execute or Rhythmus

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