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Arcanum Valor

I really don't expect a lot of you to follow these rules due to it being more of a friendly guild but.

-WOE Active
-PVP Active
-Some knowledge of the game
-Any gears is allowed whether it's donation, non-donation, or none at all. As long as you can play.

This guild isn't going to be like all the other strict guilds out there. I'm hoping for everyone to have fun. There will be prizes to those who attend regularly and more so than that. I just want everyone to respect each other, and help each other out.

Prizes will be given out to those who are loyal & consistent at coming to WOE!

If you wish to join just PM me on Arcanum Valor

:) don't forget to have fun
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Oh Pete! Let me ally you with my guild, and we can both go with Elysium! Laaawl.









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Lol people can talk all the smack they want.

You know what they say right?

"Behind every hater is envy? Why you ask? Because they got nothing better to do but look up at you and hate you. Because you'll always have your back turned on them, and they'll always be chasing yo ass"

keep chasing my ass kids ;)

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Once again. I want to make this clear...Not really good player but loyal>Pro, Guild Hopper. One week we are maxed. Next week we get like 50/70. No man. Either you stay or don't join to begin with. Don't ever bring Elysium into this. As Moderator Godrevy said, this is a recruit thread, so don't bring other guilds and their members into this. Unless you want to join, just get out.

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Lol people can talk all the smack they want.

You know what they say right?

"Behind every hater is envy? Why you ask? Because they got nothing better to do but look up at you and hate you. Because you'll always have your back turned on them, and they'll always be chasing yo ass"

keep chasing my ass kids ;)

I wasn't flaming the guild, just biel the noob. The guild is great, and I got a warning for it lool...

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Correction: you got a warning for flaming biel, not for the guild being great. Believe it or not, "members" includes him and despite what Sangrael says, there are still rules in this forum that are to be followed, SO, my statement (and warning) stands. You can PM him if you want to tell him what a noob you think a member of his is, k? Not here.

Relax, I never said you were wrong to warn me lol. And yes I did flame biel, and I stand by it.

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Correction: you got a warning for flaming biel, not for the guild being great. Believe it or not, "members" includes him and despite what Sangrael says, there are still rules in this forum that are to be followed, SO, my statement (and warning) stands. You can PM him if you want to tell him what a noob you think a member of his is, k? Not here.



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this guild looks good im might join

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There's probably no space left, but I guess I should still try. Maybe you have some space for a newb (not noob) to ForsakenRO? The WoE times seem to correspond with my schedule, and I'm usually PvP active if I have a chance at winning a battle, which I don't have right now because I don't have any sort of equipment. Not sure about making a Paladin, but I do have experience in making one if I have to.

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