Terroryst Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 I will just ignore you, I don't like to talk with fags, okay? Lol, alright. I'll just talk to somebody else about you, you're gay if you read my posts though.
Thi@go Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 Lol, alright. I'll just talk to somebody else about you, you're gay if you read my posts though. ''You're gay if you read my posts'' You are so funny, you look like a kid with 5 years old. What you need is of some penis.
Terroryst Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 ''You're gay if you read my posts'' You are so funny, you look like a kid with 5 years old. What you need is of some penis. I thought you just said you don't like to talk to fags. So you contradicted yourself, and I said if you read my posts your gay... Damn. You're just owning yourself, Thigaygo. LOL@YOURENGLISH.
Thi@go Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 I thought you just said you don't like to talk to fags. So you contradicted yourself, and I said if you read my posts your gay... Damn. You're just owning yourself, Thigaygo. LOL@YOURENGLISH. That's why I said you look like a kid with 5 years old. Who know me in real life know I am not a gay. I'm not you, stupid fag.
Terroryst Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 That's why I said you look like a kid with 5 years old. Who know me in real life know I am not a gay. I'm not you, stupid fag. Lol... Kid with 5 years old, huh? Dude, if you can't even speak proper English, why are you trying to type it?
Fi'zi:k Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 I know Thi@go more then 1 year his not immature, he is good person, you are just jealous peaple who don't understand essence of PvP(place where u kill other player) sitting and talking shit If u want to talk go to other place and everything will be fine! Respecta
geldaz Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 Fun's over. Godrevy's here. :< Hell yes. REVY,if you warn me,make it 69 please. Jay,it's pointless. I mean,Thi@go is ATTEMPTING to be smart. But hell,he's such a immature brat. (;. He once said '' I go to the GYM''. I had the biggest ROFL of my life. Dude,I miss Mike in these kind of arguements. Thiago would be dizimated. Welcome to ForsakenRO,bitch. @quickedit: The rant is about Respect/disrespect. If the person fits that,it's worth talking about him/her. I think that's logic.
Terroryst Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 End it. That is a warning. The rant is not about Thi@go. Nothing being said here is worthy of the respect that any of you seem to think you deserve. Lol, I don't want respect from most the peeps in here anyways.
Icarus Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 Lol, I don't want respect from most the peeps in here anyways. I want peanuts!!!!!! D=
geldaz Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 Hell. She made this topic knowing THERE WOULD BE FLAMES. She actually STARTED IT on her first post. I'm just doing like she did. Dur.
Terroryst Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 I'm only doing as the poster asked. It was her rant, not yours. You don't have jurisdiction over what it is about and what it's not, sorry. So when she and I have asked you to end it? Please do so. Thank you. Lol, I never said anything about the topic though. I just came in and started makin' fun of Thiago, then said I don't want respect from most the people in the topic.
Icarus Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 Now geldaz got a point =l Topics like this is an instant drama and flaming lol
Sorrow Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 "Respect to be respected" STILL is a good directive... I'm only doing as the poster asked. It was her rant, not yours. You don't have jurisdiction over what it is about and what it's not, sorry. So when she and I have asked you to end it? Please do so. Thank you. That makes me wonder...if someone makes a ranting topic named something like "Sorrow(taking me as exemple) bashing" they can speak all the thrash they want about me then? ^^"
geldaz Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 It only results in flames if you're unable to resist the temptation to do so. I'm sure there are people who are able and mature enough to handle the situation without making unnecessary personal attacks. Erm,the TOPIC OWNER actually started the FLAME in the first post. We're the ones getting warned? >_<. And,are you trying to say WE'RE immature? Since we actually didn't resist to FLAME ON THE INTERNET.
Sorrow Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 Giving names went a bit too far didn't it? ^^" Attracted anyone who had grudges against that one person like a magnet... Oh and good thing individual bashing is off limits to this topic...
Terroryst Posted October 17, 2008 Report Posted October 17, 2008 Giving names went a bit too far didn't it? ^^" Attracted anyone who had grudges against that one person like a magnet... Oh and good thing individual bashing is off limits to this topic... I just don't like him.