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The Hardware Thread!

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Basically, just post what you play. Guitars, amps, whatever. And what kind of music you play! It doesn't restrict to Guitar either; drums, bases, brass/woodwind. Whatever!

As for me, let's take a look...


  • Laguna LE 222 MBK With Single-Coil and Humbuckers. Rosewood neck, glossy black finish.
  • Fender Squire Strat. (Which is actually my dads, so I don't know the details.)
  • B.C. Rich Warbird. Black and Red Glossy finish, with maple neck. Custom Bat Model.


  • Kawasaki Something. Not sure of the Model # or details.


  • Vox Valvetronix AD30VT
  • A crappy Fender Bullet (But it's got me through a lot, so I'm nice to it :))

Your move, FkRO!

(P.S.: No pic of me with the instrument unfortunately. But if you have one feel free to share!)


Let's see.

Electric guitars:

Gibson Les Paul Studio Vintage Mahogany

Ibanez RG 350 MDX

Acoustic guitars:

Seagull S6 Cedar Original

Larrivee OM-03RE


Roth Guarneryus copy (German)

3/4 Stradielli Stradivarius copy (Italian)

Amps and effects processors:

30W Univox clean amp

Marshall TSL60

Line 6 Pocket Pod

Boss Metal Core ML-2

Let's see.

Electric guitars:

Gibson Les Paul Studio Vintage Mahogany

Ibanez RG 350 MDX


3/4 Stradielli Stradivarius copy (Italian)

Where did you get the Stradivarius, damn i haven't seen one here. And nice choice of guitars!!

Where did you get the Stradivarius, damn i haven't seen one here. And nice choice of guitars!!

Stradivarius copy.

Got it about 10 years ago from a fellow violin player.

Yeah, i saw the copy version via the net but it would be cool having to play the original eh? /gg

No shit.

Also, there are thousands of Stradivarius copies from thousands of different luthiers.

Let's see.

Electric guitars:

Gibson Les Paul Studio Vintage Mahogany

Ibanez RG 350 MDX

Acoustic guitars:

Seagull S6 Cedar Original

Larrivee OM-03RE


Roth Guarneryus copy (German)

3/4 Stradielli Stradivarius copy (Italian)

Amps and effects processors:

30W Univox clean amp

Marshall TSL60

Line 6 Pocket Pod

Boss Metal Core ML-2

Wow, some pretty fancy equipment there, man. I'll be sure to do some research on the Stradivarius, but I'm not too knowledgeable on violins lol. As for everything else, I like your choice of guitars. I've only played a Les Paul 4 or 5 times in my lifetime, but they have some of the best playability I've ever experienced. And Larivee is the way to go, I've got a L-03RE but it's damaged beyond repair. :(

Pics pls..Post some pics of your equips. Thanks.

Like I said, I don't have any pics of my specific equipment. I could upload some for you from the internet, but until I get a digital camera or a picture phone that's all I'll be able to do :(

Wow, some pretty fancy equipment there, man. I'll be sure to do some research on the Stradivarius, but I'm not too knowledgeable on violins lol. As for everything else, I like your choice of guitars. I've only played a Les Paul 4 or 5 times in my lifetime, but they have some of the best playability I've ever experienced. And Larivee is the way to go, I've got a L-03RE but it's damaged beyond repair. :(

I use my Roth a lot more than my Stradivarius copy.

Also, Larrivee guitars are very nice, but I use my Seagull more. Went to the Seagull factory in Quebec to get it.

I use my Roth a lot more than my Stradivarius copy.

Also, Larrivee guitars are very nice, but I use my Seagull more. Went to the Seagull factory in Quebec to get it.

Right on, never heard of Seagull more than like twice though. Are they nice? My next new guitar is probably gonna be acoustic/dual hollowbody (if I can get the money lol...)

What kind of music do you play normally?


Mainly metal, jazz and rock.

Seagull isn't a very well-known brand, nor is it prestigious or anything. I just happened to find one that had a very good tone and playability.


Mmmm.. *licks lips*


Yamaha P-85 D.P.

KAWAI upright piano (not sure of specs, pretty old)


Epiphone AJ acoustic

Maton em325c Acoustic (AP5 pickups)

Gibson Les Paul Studio (mahogany)


Peavey JSX signature head (120 watt)

Orange 4x12" celestion vintage 30 straight cabinet. (300 watt)

Crappy fender amp :)

Mmmm.. *licks lips*


Yamaha P-85 D.P.

KAWAI upright piano (not sure of specs, pretty old)


Epiphone AJ acoustic

Maton em325c Acoustic (AP5 pickups)

Gibson Les Paul Studio (mahogany)


Peavey JSX signature head (120 watt)

Orange 4x12" celestion vintage 30 straight cabinet. (300 watt)

Crappy fender amp :)

Ugh everyone has Les Pauls but me! D:

High-five for crappy Fender Amps! So I'm guessing you have a double hollow-body as an Acoustic? I love hollow-bodies *drool*


Everyone wishes they were as cool as you Blueberry. T_T

Gibson Les Paul Studio (mahogany)

lulz sup

Also my Les Paul has 12-gauge strings because when I play deathcore I drop-tune to drop C or B. Pretty badass.

Mmmm.. *licks lips*


Yamaha P-85 D.P.

KAWAI upright piano (not sure of specs, pretty old)


Epiphone AJ acoustic

Maton em325c Acoustic (AP5 pickups)

Gibson Les Paul Studio (mahogany)


Peavey JSX signature head (120 watt)

Orange 4x12" celestion vintage 30 straight cabinet. (300 watt)

Crappy fender amp :)

asdsadadasdasdasdadas!!!!!! asdasdasdas!! asss /e1


Lol, i wanna do what the Dillinger escape plan did on their earlier shows, they burned the amps and threw it away. /gg

Damn..lucky bastard...ausi boy :(


I play the 5 colored button 1 strum whammy guitar, on expert.


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