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Dispell Suggestion

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It's been over a month and no GMs have even come close to saying yes or no.

[Preferabley ONLY Zeit or Gen]


I reply, because it's been OVER a month.

That's MADNESS!!!!!

The last ACTUAL post was OCTOBER 10th

It is now. DECEMBER 3rd


Despite christmas coming, this suggestion has been out there for over a month.

So I'd appreciate it if I can at least get a yes or no from Genesis or Zeitgeist.

Or at least some questions, or anything.

It doesn't have to be implemented today.

But, you know...It'd be nice to get something back from those two.

Despite christmas coming, this suggestion has been out there for over a month.

So I'd appreciate it if I can at least get a yes or no from Genesis or Zeitgeist.

Or at least some questions, or anything.

It doesn't have to be implemented today.

But, you know...It'd be nice to get something back from those two.

Hmm... Does that sounds that they don't even want to consider this?

I don't think revival will do any good anyway. If Gen or Zeit consider this idea it still up to them to decide, not to mentioned the first two suggestions cannot be implemented without hacking the client which means in order to implement those every single client has to be re-downloaded unlike to modify skill_db.txt which already in the server db folder.

skill_db eAthena SVN 13257
// 01 ID
// 02 range (combo skills do not check for range when used,
//           if range is < 5, the skill is considered melee-range)
// 03 hit (8- repeated hitting, 6- single-hit)
// 04 inf (0- passive, 1- enemy, 2- place, 4- self, 16- friend, 32- trap)
// 05 element (0- neutral, 1- water, 2- earth, 3- fire, 4- wind, 5- poison,
//             6- holy, 7- dark, 8- ghost, 9- undead, -1- use weapon element)
// 06 nk (skill damage properties):
//    0x01 - No damage skill
//    0x02 - Has splash area
//    0x04 - Damage should be split among targets
//    0x08 - Skill ignores caster's % damage cards (misc type always ignores)
//    0x10 - Skill ignores elemental adjustments
//    0x20 - Skill ignores target's defense (misc type always ignores)
//    0x40 - Skill ignores target's flee (magic type always ignores)
//    0x80 - Skill ignores target's def cards
// 07 splash/effect range (-1 for screen-wide)
// 08 MaxLv
// 09 Number of hits (when positive, damage is increased by hits, 
//    negative values just show number of hits without increasing total damage)
// 10 Cast interrupted when hit?
// 11 defense-reduction rate during cast.
// 12 inf2 (skill information 2):
//    0x0001- quest skill
//    0x0002- npc skill
//    0x0004- wedding skill
//    0x0008- spirit skill
//    0x0010- guild skill
//    0x0020- song/dance
//    0x0040- ensemble skill
//    0x0080- trap
//    0x0100- skill that damages/targets yourself
//    0x0200- cannot be casted on self (if inf = 4, auto-select target skill)
//    0x0400- usable only on party-members (and enemies if skill is offensive)
//    0x0800- usable only on guild-mates (and enemies if skill is offensive)
//    0x1000- disable usage on enemies (for non-offensive skills).
// 13 maxcount: max amount of skill instances to place on the ground when
//    player_land_skill_limit/monster_land_skill_limit is enabled. For skills
//    that attack using a path, this is the path length to be used.
// 14 attack type (none, weapon, magic, misc)
// 15 Blowcount (amount of tiles skill knockbacks)
// 16 Name
// 17 Description
289,9,6,1,0,0x1,0:0:0:0:0:-1,5,1,yes,0,0xE00,0,magic,0,    SA_DISPELL,Dispell

Just in case you want to change 0x1 to 0x8 it gives error message

skill_castend_damage_id: Unknown skill used:289

The only problem is hacking client could attract legal issue which no ones want. If you want to raise Cicada skin delay, there is skill_cast_db.

For the last suggestion, the situation is as above, but there is another option which is by card adding Stave Crasher damage: Puppetring adds +10% Stave Crasher damage.

Alright, time for more suggestions.

First ->

I think Dispell should go past gtb. That way profs aren't COMPLETELY useless against them.


I think Dispell should get rid of FCP, that way it brings some usefulness to creators/stalkers/etc


Just to throw it in...

More damage modifiers for Magic Crasher. That way with the right spam it can destroy Gtb users. <3

1.- Possible, but then again, we'd have to overrule element modifier debuffing since it actually takes a catalyst to do it.

2.-Not possible. Sure, every class gets the advantage of this, but a RSX'd Paladin is the only class who can recover from strip and still be immune to breaking, it'll only buff them up more.

3.- Possible.

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