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Dispell Suggestion

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Alright, time for more suggestions.

First ->

I think Dispell should go past gtb. That way profs aren't COMPLETELY useless against them.


I think Dispell should get rid of FCP, that way it brings some usefulness to creators/stalkers/etc


Just to throw it in...

More damage modifiers for Magic Crasher. That way with the right spam it can destroy Gtb users. <3


No, I'm just restating these previous suggested ideas.

Cause you know, if it went through gtb then that at least annoys people.

You know, champs can't asura. Sinx can't edp. Priests can't assump.

Annoying shit. It gives us purpose for WoE. )=

Also if it COULD get rid of FCP that would be awesome too.

Because you know what?

There is almost an entire system to make stripping and breaking gears available to any class.

There is a helm and a card to strip anything full strip can, not to mention even a WS card.

However, one buff that is EASY to get ahold of in mass bulk

basically prevents any and all of those 10 other gears/cards.

Lol, wut?

At least this way those with a prof, if not a valk card can get rid of FCP.

That way you'd be forced more often to have more creators in WoE.

Then just your buff one at your hideout.

Or at the very least give magic users a chance to fight back.

I think that would knock out some of the weak links between classes that make

some of them so unbeatable to most other classes.


Hint, hint, hint? =D


Professors = New Champion's


I'm willing to try it out. )=

I'm not asking for a gtb nerf. Just for something to pass through it.

I suppose. D;

Idk. Other people comment instead of spam, pls.


Mine wasn't intended to be spam. It was facts.

Professors will now become the new Champion's. And pretty soon everyone is going to ask for a Nerf on them too.


I wouldn't call dispell a one shot wonder though.

I'd just think it's annoying.

And seeing as valk card gives dispell by chance, profs still may not be used. =/


The fact that you want Dispell to bypass FCP, GTB, and be able to dispell anything. Meaning the person would have to take off GTB Re-Buff and get shot at by FB/LB/CB?

Is that really a fair statement to make. Or is this from someone who wants an unbalanced server. I think the nerf on champions was pretty nifty but it was a bad move. I hate champions I really do. But only 4 people who use champions on this server have Thanatos's. Or are any good at them at all.

Good move, unbalance the server some more. Maybe we should just kill off Thanatos while we're at it.


First ->

I think Dispell should go past gtb. That way profs aren't COMPLETELY useless against them.


I think Dispell should get rid of FCP, that way it brings some usefulness to creators/stalkers/etc


Just to throw it in...

More damage modifiers for Magic Crasher. That way with the right spam it can destroy Gtb users. <3

1. not practical ... GTB FTW FOREVER! ... the ppl who are good with prof would be overpowered /sorry

2. i think it would be nice for magic classes but again it's not practical ... i would keep a perfect,strip,dispell

staff handy at all times and then someone would want to nerf my HW .. i won't let that happen

3. i can do up to 130k stave crasher, yes thats with thana but without i can easily reach 20k's

But only 4 people who use champions on this server have Thanatos's.

there's a lot more than 4 now ... plus the thana nerf was for champs only,

it isn't that bad seeing as how they can still 1hit KO you ...

... welcome back again.


I didn't know there was more Champions that had Thanatos Cards. But i've only seen 4 that I could actually call "Good".

I didn't know there was more Champions that had Thanatos Cards. But i've only seen 4 that I could actually call "Good".

They don't have to be good just to hit 35 ~ 80k TSS's, do they?


Yeah but how many can spam it like the 4 mentioned.

I can beat these guys with Devilings on, it's just a matter of spamming yggs. This is a YGG SPAMMING SERVER. After all.


GTB. That's the only way.

Even the clowns dispell bypasses GTB. Yes the Tarot Card.


It shouldn't be countered, and the fact it should get rid of FCP would get rid of some imbalance.

And yes, people would carry a phree valk strip weapon all the time.

But that would bring purpose to dozens of cards and headgears!

Instead of almost everything being completely stopped by a 2 combo strategy.

Gtb+FCP = Defeating more then 2+ classes. Automatic. =P

I love gtb, but this isn't even allowing damage to go past.

It's just so some classes hold more purpose then what is taken from them.

As far as I see it,

If some Wiz or Prof is able to dispell me, then strip me, then kill me with their magic.

I deserve to die.

However, all I request is that myself and many others who play magic classes

Get the "chance" to just go over this and fight back for once.

I'm not asking for an epic nerf / epic card advantage. I'm asking for a chance.


As much as I want Magic classes back,this won't result. To start with,anyone can Dispell. What would be the point of fcping then? People wouldn't even default damage weapons anymore. They'd just go for WS,coma.

Wizards can't dispell unless card. Want wizards to meele? Meh,this won't surely work. Way to sleepy to come with a better post explaining it atm.


Okay, well then how about normal dispell working past gtb?

Skip the fcp dispell affect since it could be abused, I suppose. )=

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