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T> mY whole acount for [Madox]

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T> my whole account for?

I mean all items, cards, chars

Im giving you password, login and e-mail. I'ma do it cuz im quite boring.

Items: F king helm,4 f armor,2x f shoes,2x f cloak, f shield,strong shield,pally elite spear sword,ice pick,moon sun aura, wings, mix a belt, vit belt, red sunglasses, ifrit rings, 500+ fcp bottles.

Cards: 4x tao,3xol,fbh,2x kiel,gr,ws,sk,valk rand,3x tg,2x skoll,2x devilings, gtb,dragon warlord,lk,angeling.

Madox has got many friends, it's good char.


I give you 1 zeny for it. ):


Im not, I just wanna trade it, and start again. Pally vs. WS = Pally owned

I know how you feel. My full reflect pally Crucial Sacrifice got raped by tick when we were testing damage. He did a 540k Cart Term to me and well yeah, Instant Death


Now is indeed a good time to go WS

Also, you can't really trade your account.

I mean, what is there to trade it for? o.O

Some other noob account? Lol.

If that's the case just give the account away and make a new one.

Same process. )=

Also, I'd love to take all your stuff off your hands. Haha. <3

Idk, yeah. It's time to start looking into other classes too.

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