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s> itamz

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elite stalker dagger

elite lord knight 1 handed spear

elite whitesmith dagger

elite creator dagger

elite champ mace

elite priest set (no weapon)

elite champ set (no weapon)

light pink butterfly wings

golden butterfly wings

whitesmith card

valk card

tao card

dragoon warlord card

dragoon wizard card

hollowring card

incantation samurai card

turtle general card

pm me in game YOU KNOW MY CHAR NAMES HOMIES or just leave a message here


yeah it's the one with 2 slots (besides the shield)





;D i got a champion mace for it too if you need one (which is 40 coupons)


lol ill get the set im a few coupons off the mace for now im still sellign some cards ><

btw how can i make it to +10 if you dont mind me asking

yeah just pm me when ur on then

Aeos or Whirlwind(im on right now)


don't make it +10 just keep it +0 it's better if people use thanatos, unless you're just a mvp champ.

i'm not on right now i'm actually at school... lol


:| yeah im an mvp champ for right now atleast

basically collecting gears and cards until i think im ok enough to pvp

k then just pm when u get on then

>>(6more coupos until i have enough for mace)


Well I tried PMing both your charas listed in your signature but says you're offline. o.o; If you're still on PM my chara '~ Millenia'

kthx :o

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